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Rudolf Steiner, whose teachings led to anthroposophical medicine, biodynamic farming, and the Waldorf school, said that the heart is a seven-sided regular form that sits in an imaginary box in the chest. “Regular” means that all seven sides are identical. Plato described five platonic solids, and Steiner said there was a sixth one. He also said that the heart is not a pump.This claim was vindicated by Frank Chester, who figured out how to design a seven-sided regular form. This sixth platonic solid is now called the chestahedron, and it fits perfectly inside a cube at an angle of 36 degrees off center to the left, the exact same angle that the heart sits in the chest. When submerged in water and spun, two counter-rotating vortices are formed. Recent scientific studies have shown that these two vortices facilitate the closing of the valves. And when the vortices don’t form properly, blood clots will appear.
The man who unfolded a thousand hearts, Paco Torrent Guasp, discovered that the heart is a single muscular band folded over itself in a spiraling pattern. The heart itself is a vortex of tissue. It is not a pump, it is a vortex machine.
For centuries it was believed that matter can only exist in three states. Such as water, which can exist as liquid, ice, and vapor. Human cells are seventy percent water but most of this water is not in any of these three states. We have recently learned that with water, there is a fourth state. This fourth state is called the plasma state, gel phase, exclusion zone or structured water. And this is what pushes your blood through the entire cardiovascular system.
Fueled by Infrared energy from its environment, the water in our body becomes an electrical propulsion system. A certain percentage of the water in our body becomes structured water, and the rest remains normal liquid water, or bulk water. The structured water becomes negatively charged and forms the gelatinous outer walls of our capillaries, veins, and arteries. These negatively charged outer walls continuously propel the positively charged bulk water within, carrying the blood with it. This propulsion system will run indefinitely so long as it stays charged. And the way you charge it, is with the earth’s electromagnetic field, infrared energy, and positive thought.
The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto has scientifically demonstrated that water exposed to loving human words and thoughts is transformed into its natural hexagonal shape. It becomes structured at a molecular level based on our positive intention. This new model shows that it is the blood that pumps the heart, not the other way around. And in order to keep the flow strong and healthy, our best medicine is to connect to the earth, get sunlight, love ourselves, and love one another with physical touch.
Viktor Schauberger spent his life studying water and found that in the natural world, water will always create vortices along its path. Schauberger learned that this spiral action is what structures the water in nature. And that when subjected to modern man made water treatment, it loses its structure. Schauberger’s work led him to believe that one could generate energy out of a vortex. He described it as an energy implosion as opposed to an energy explosion.
Dr Tom Cowan, who has written about this in, Human Heart Cosmic Heart, has an interesting theory which may explain the saying, “a heart of gold.”
Another recent discovery, is that gold in it’s purest form does not appear to be gold at all. Under the right conditions, normal physical gold can be transformed into a fine white powder known as monoatomic gold. This monoatomic gold has been studied by multiple advanced laboratories and it has very strange properties. It can be made to levitate and disappear. Monoatomic gold is superconductive. And many would argue that this is what the alchemists were after.
One of the ways of turning metallic gold into monoatomic gold is by putting it through a high-speed vortex. When this transformation occurs, there is a flash of light, and a forty-four percent loss in weight. Dr Cowan believes that the trace amounts of gold in our blood is transformed into monoatomic gold as it travels through the double vortices in the heart. Creating the spark of life.
There are hints of a hidden science being studied and suppressed that involves counter-rotational spin. The NAZIs most classified project, Die Glocke, involved the counter-rotational spin of a mysterious fuel mix that included liquid mercury.
This vortex system creates an energetic field around the heart. It creates the heat within our body. And it raises a whole new set of questions about spin.
The stated mission of modern science is to dominate and control nature. It was born of the philosophies of Francis Bacon who suggested we could learn “to command nature in action”, and of René Descartes who wrote that mankind could become “the masters and possessors of nature.” This was science flipped on its head because the previous scientific philosophy saw nature as a perfect creation of god to be observed and understood. Take for instance, water. Without water, we would not exist. And so the true value is in understanding the nature of water so that we can flow with it, not control it.For over 20 years, Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, studied the groundbreaking science of how the molecular structure in water transforms when exposed to human words, thoughts, and sounds. Dr. Emoto would simply label a sample of water with different written words such as “love and gratitude” or “I hate you.” He would then freeze the water samples and capture them as they crystallized with high-speed microscopic photography. The results were astonishing. The crystals formed from water exposed to the words, “love and gratitude” were clear, attractive, and symmetrical. And the crystals formed from “I hate you” were distorted, asymmetrical, and opaque.
Over and over again, water samples exposed to positive intention formed the hexagonal snowflake-like patterns indicative of structured water found in nature, and samples exposed to negative intention would lose its structure and mutate, which was also found to be true with samples of polluted water.
Decades of repeated experiments have clearly shown that water is transformed when exposed to human word, thought, and sound. Dr. Emoto theorized that this is because water has consciousness. Russian studies have shown that water is imprinted by the energy of its environment, and it retains memory from everything it comes in contact with, even when separated.
During the discovery of the genome, Dr Bruce Lipton was studying cellular behavior at Stanford University and discovered that our genes switch on or off based on their environment. Human beings are made of about 50 trillion cells and each cell is its own little creature that eats, digests, reproduces, and forms communities. Each individual cell is constantly reading the quality of its environment through it’s outer membrane skin. This includes stressful emotions sensed via chemicals in the bloodstream. And when we are stressed, negative, or fearful, then our cells will switch into their own version of fight or flight mode. They will stop the process of self-healing and begin the process of self-defense. And conversely, when we are feeling positive emotions, our cells will be switched into self-healing. And the body will thrive. Dr. Lipton’s discoveries were ignored by modern science, who opted for drugs and surgery over love and happiness.
This began the field of Epigenetics, and answered the question of Nature vs Nurture. Experiments have shown that a living creature will thrive on a genetic level when nurtured. Malignant tumor cells have been reversed and many people claim to have cured themselves of all sorts of disease, including cancer, by shifting and maintaining their mental attitude into a positive one. Official science will predictably call this “spontaneous remission” but it is well documented.
The cell protects itself by its membrane, which has a coating of negatively charged sugar crystals in a suspension of water. Most people think of water as being very special because of its ease of existence in three different states; liquid, ice, and vapor. But the water in our body is not in any of these states. The water that makes up our cells is in the gel state.
Science is now recognizing a fourth state of water. Known as the gel state, EZ water for Exclusion Zone, or Structured water. This fourth state is an electro-polar state wherein some of the water becomes a negatively charged gel and the rest, known as bulk water, maintains a positive charge and remains more like a liquid. This electro-propulsion creates movement and kinetic energy. This is how the blood is moved throughout our body. The latest evidence shows that the blood is pumping the heart, not the other way around. And it’s the gel state water that propels the blood.
To thrive, this natural propulsion system requires a connection to the Earth, sunlight, positive human connection, and peace of mind. Our body is made up of over fifty trillion cells and each one’s health is dependent upon our own. Our happiness, or lack thereof, not only affects our health, it affects the health of everyone who enters our environment. So if you’d like to make the world a better place, then learn how to be happy.
Last Thursday in Dublin, five people were injured in a knife attack including three young children. The stabbing took place near an elementary school where it appears the culprit was targeting children. Riots broke out.This event is just the latest in a long string of violence resulting from the radical Globalist immigration scheme. The attacker was ordered to be deported back in 2003 but was given the political support to stay and appeal it. And was arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife and criminal damage but did not receive a conviction due to a mental health report given to the court.
If you’ve been paying attention, then you will recognize this as a common result of the United Nations Replacement Migration plan. Children being attacked, women being raped, and perpetrators walking free, is now a predictable outcome of forcing an established Christian culture to submit to a foreign non-assimilating Islamic culture. Many of whom are openly seeking to replace the local culture with their own by any means necessary. Radical Islam demands it.
If this were a humanitarian effort, then refugees would be expected to assimilate as they have for millennia. The rule of law depends upon it. But this is a Globalist invasion and whether they know it or not, the so-called migrants are being used as an invading force. and instead of being conquered with violence, the native people are being attacked with name-calling. Stunned into silence with guilt by being called a racist.
But people are starting to wake up to it. 3 out of 4 Irish people understand that they are being guilted into giving away their country, and they oppose it. But the government doesn’t care. They are now preparing to pass new Hate-Speech laws that will criminalize possession of materials "likely to incite violence or hatred." These laws will make it illegal to criticize immigration policy. Which isn’t going to slow down any time soon.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on March 8th 2014. On May 19, about nine weeks later, a leaked video was published to YouTube by a third party who claimed to have received it on March 12th. The video shows what appears to be a jet airliner on fire being trailed by three spiraling orbs. Eventually, the three orbs change to a vertical pattern and disappear in a flash with the airliner, leaving a dead-end trail of smoke in the sky. A month later on June 12th, a second video was published to the same channel that showed the exact same event taken from a different viewpoint. These videos have been deleted from YouTube but can still be found on archive-dot-org.Ashton Forbes and his team have been researching these videos extensively, and have provided exhaustive evidence that these videos are legitimate. Including digital forensics verified by CGI professionals, eyewitnesses, and government data, Forbes and his team have successfully addressed all de-bunker claims and have listed them for all to see on X-dot-com @JustXAshton. So far, nobody has been able to de-bunk this research.
Their research shows that the first leaked video was taken from a pair of American signals intelligence satellites known as USA-229. Twin satellites capable of creating 3D stereoscopic images by capturing two slightly different views. The twin USA-229 satellites are logged at the exact location, time, and apparent angle required to of captured this video. This event occurred at around two-thirty in the morning, it was completely dark, the wavelengths captured by these cameras are for detail, and the stereoscopic effect allows for added depth perception.
The source of the second video has been identified as an MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned combat drone with Infrared and thermal technology. This video focuses on the heat signature.
And the man responsible for leaking these videos seems to be Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin. He was accused of being a spy, but court transcripts prove that this was just spin. The details of his crimes, including the time they happened, are redacted, but it came out in the trial that the classified information in question was published on the internet. And Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin had full security clearance to the same technology used to capture these videos.
Using Inmarsat satellite ping data and military radar to track its path, and eyewitness testimony to verify it, Forbes put together the final flight path of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370:
On March 7th at 16:42 UTC Flight 370 takes off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. At 17:21 the plane abruptly turns back towards the nearest airport in Penang. A witness on an oil rig reported that the plane was on fire. Several witnesses along the East Coast reported hearing a loud bang and seeing a glow coming from the plane as it passed overhead. At 17:52 the co-pilot’s mobile phone pings the local tower. At 18:40 an eyewitness on a boat reported that the plane was glowing orange and appeared on fire. The Inmarsat ping data shows the same sharp left turn that we see in the videos, and then abruptly goes to zero as the plane disappears.
The CCP released Chinese satellite images that appear to be three orbs. They first claimed it was debris, and later said that releasing the image was a mistake. According to Chinese media, nineteen families have signed a statement claiming they made calls that connected to missing passengers after the disappearance but without an answer.
Some people are saying this was alien UFOs saving a plane from crashing. But this doesn’t explain the fact that three different advanced US military surveillance cameras captured this one event. Twenty-three of the passengers on board were related to Freescale Semi-Conductors, a field leading the development of super-conductor technology, which is what this appears to be. Some type of superconductor targeting system for teleportation. Which is reminiscent of what the NAZIs were doing with their highly classified Die Glocke project.
Luminous objects like this were first reported in May of 1940 as Germany invaded Belgium. And by 1942 several people reported seeing them in the skies over Germany. American pilots during World War Two called them, Foo Fighters.
And let’s not forget Gary Mckinnon, who in 2002 was accused of perpetrating the "biggest military computer hack of all time”, and who claimed to have seen evidence of an advanced off-world military fleet.
The dark cabal herding us like sheep is only able to maintain its power by staying invisible. The most effective way of maintaining invisibility is, and always has been, the art of dividing the masses. This psychological operation known as Divide & Conquer has been deployed for all of recorded history because it works. Especially with organized religion, which is ruled by dogma rather than a personal relationship with God.Dogma is a belief doctrine dictated by a church. And if you are born into a dogmatic family, then you are raised to believe their dogma. As a result, you will see all conflicting religious dogma as evil, you will be divided and conquered.
The main religions used to divide and conquer mankind are the three Abrahamic religions.
Judaic dogma teaches the Jew that they are a member of the chosen race destined to rule over everyone else as a teacher of god’s law. Islamic dogma teaches that all of mankind must somehow submit to Islam. And while there are reportedly forty thousand different denominations of Christianity, most Christian dogma teaches that Christian’s will live in paradise for eternity while everyone else burns in hell.
Many people raised in these religions have been able to personally connect with god and liberate themselves from the divisive dogma. But many others are stuck in group-mind-think. They conflate holy scripture and a priest class with god and put their faith in a doctrine written by man. It has become the ultimate form of mind control and so whoever controls the holy land, controls the world.
In Revelation 2:9 of the King James Bible it warns of, “the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” We are beginning to see this today with the Zionists, who say they are Jews, and are not.
With the help of the United Nations, the British Crown, the Vatican, the NAZIs, and the Rothschild banking dynasty, the land formally known as Palestine was conquered with bloodshed, lies, and bureaucracy. The Zionists, who claim to be secular, declared the land to be Israel, home of the Jews and successfully thrust the once thriving Middle East back into the Middle Ages. The relatively peaceful region was soon transformed into an unending war zone. Decades of US war crimes radicalized many of the Muslim population into becoming terrorists.
The creation of the State of Israel in 1948 would have never been successful if it were not for the Jewish Holocaust. Even though the Palestinians had nothing to do with it, the Holocaust was effectively used as an emotional excuse for what would otherwise be an illegal land grab. And while few deny that Hitler was murdering Jews, many have pointed out that six million would have been logistically impossible. So why the number six million?
For several decades preceding World War II, the Zionists repeated the mantra; Six Million, referring to the death of six million Jews. A six followed by six zeroes can also be read as sixty-six, which can be read as two-thirds. Certain radical sects of Judaism and Christianity believe that two-thirds of the Jews must perish. It appears as if the Zionists created Israel as a sacrificial altar to make this happen. Repeating the lesser-magic mantra of what they want to make manifest.
Today we are seeing Zionists begging for genocide. Calling out to “Kill them all” and gas-lighting us into thinking there never was a Palestine, while saying we should “Flatten it” and turn it into “Glass”.
We are seeing Christian pastors cheer for mass murder. Pastors saying that “Israel should make the Gaza Strip a parking lot.” And several Evangelical pastors who speak as if Christ will only return if we provide him the blood sacrifice taught in their extreme dogma.
As Israel pushes forward, radicalized young Muslim men who have had their homes destroyed by American bombs are now spread throughout Western nations. The stage is set for the holy war and many are willing to murder in the name of their dogmatic beliefs.
Extremists of all three religions are being used by the hidden hand to foment this war, while the Catholic church has been making preparations for a one-world-religion solution.
Divided we will be conquered. But united we could learn to live as one. In peace. God help us all.
Climate Denier, Racist, NAZI, and Antisemitism, are words that have been exhaustively misused to psychologically beat people into a submission of shame. It is a human-control technology that works on many people.When you point out the facts which expose the man-made global warming theory as a hoax, you are called a Climate Denier or a Science Denier. We are expected to trust the science even if it doesn’t scientifically add up. The group mind has been conditioned to look down upon those who question the official narrative. And the word Denier, or Denial, has been made into a curse. This deceptive word play, along with the term ‘Hate Speech’, both stem from the Holocaust Denial trials of the 1980s.
In 1983, the founder of the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, who was a holocaust survivor, filed a private complaint against German-born citizen, Ernst Zündel, before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. In 1984, the Ontario government joined the criminal proceedings and Zündel was charged of spreading false news by publishing the book “Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last.”
He was not making claims that the Holocaust did not happen, just that, it did not happen as we were told. The main argument was simply challenging the number six million. Many others have worked out the math and concluded that six million would have been impossible based on multiple logistical factors.
The charge against Zündel alleged that he knowingly published a false statement intended to stoke racial intolerance. He was found guilty by two juries but was acquitted by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1992 who ruled it was a violation of the guarantee of freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But in 1995 Ewald Althans got three and a half years’ imprisonment in Germany for asking this same question.
From a logical perspective, discussing observable reality should not be so emotionally offensive. But Zündel was a fan of Hitler and was surrounded by extreme Neo-NAZIs so there was no sympathy for his persecution. And the term Holocaust Denier became the absolute worst thing anyone could be charged with.
Zündel left Canada and moved to the United States. In 2003, Germany issued a warrant for his arrest. US authorities arrested him for violating immigration rules and deported him to Canada where he was tried, found guilty, and given the maximum sentence of five years in prison for violating the Volksverhetzung law in the German penal code which bans incitement of hatred. This quickly evolved into the term “Hate Speech” and those paying attention could see that this would soon be used against anyone the government wanted to silence.
The Zionist government, who funds and operates Hamas under the Mossad maxim; By way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War, is openly calling for the genocide of all Palestinian people under the banner of their god. Are we still bad people for asking logical questions based on observable facts?
The number six million has been ritually used by Zionists since their official beginning in the late eighteen hundreds, decades before the Holocaust. It obviously means something. Six million is a six followed by six zeros. And so it can represent sixty-six. Sixty-six is also two-thirds. The Hebrew prophet Zechariah wrote that two-thirds of the nation of Israel will be cut off and die. Many believers of biblical prophecy believe that this mass blood sacrifice is necessary in order for their messiah to return.
The Zionists seem to be no friend of the Jewish people, but by simply showing this information, many of you are triggered into thinking I am an antisemite, a racist, or even a NAZI! And yet all I am doing is reporting on the unbiased scientific inquiry that people have had for decades in the pursuit of truth.
Mind control is a real threat and we are all affected.
The original copies of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew and Aramaic, the Apocrypha in Greek and Latin, and the New Testament in Greek. Different aspects of these three sources were translated into English and compiled into the King James Bible, commissioned in 1604 by King James the Sixth and published in 1611. According to Manly P. Hall, it was edited by Francis Bacon and prepared under Masonic supervision, which can be seen on its title page.The most talked about book of the Bible is the book of Revelation and throughout church history, there have been four different viewpoints regarding its meaning.
The Idealist or spiritual view uses the allegorical method to interpret the Book of Revelation. This viewpoint believes the book is using symbolic imagery to tell the story of good against evil. Edgar Cayce believed it was describing both the collapse of an age and the spiritual enlightenment of the individual.
The Futurist view is that the bible is to be interpreted literally. They are expecting a seven-year tribulation culminating with the battle of Armageddon, followed by a thousand-year rule of Christ on the earth.
The Historicist View is that Revelation is a symbolic account of history from the Apostles to the end times.
And the Preterist View, the focus of this video, is that the biblical prophecies were already fulfilled in 70 A.D. and we are living in the New Kingdom today.
Their first argument is scripture itself. Christ predicted his return in the lifetime of his contemporaries. Liberal critics have used this as proof of Christ’s failure to return when he promised to. The Preterist points to Matthew 24:34 where Jesus states, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
And they look to the historical record where they have found several sources who recorded dozens of events between the years 66 and 70 A.D. that reflect those described in biblical prophecy. Such as the angels in Matthew 24:31. Josephus wrote that in the Spring of sixty-six, “chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds”. An event described by Roman historian Tacitus as “hosts joining battle in the skies”.
According to the Preterist, the Book of Revelation was about the tribulations of the Jews and the destruction of Jerusalem. The end of the Old Testament Jewish age, and the beginning of the New Testament Christian age. As Edward Stevens’ wrote “The unbelieving Jews were cut off from their inheritance and destroyed, while the faithful remnant of believing Jews, along with Gentiles, inherited those coventantal blessings. Thus, the establishment of the Eternal Kingdom of Christ at the Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 was the fulfillment of all the things that were promised to God’s chosen people.”
The Preterist believes that we are now living in the new Kingdom of Christ and point out that when Jesus and the Apostles were describing the coming Kingdom, they were not describing a paradise. They were describing how man must act and behave within the new kingdom. They believe that the land of Israel is no longer in the flesh. That those promises are fulfilled in Jesus and his spiritual kingdom which all Christians now enjoy.
Like the Q-Anon psyop, Preterists argue that the End Times prophecy is being used to incapacitate a would-be Christian opposition to the evil control system currently being built to enslave humanity. There are millions of religious people who welcome this destruction because they believe it is the divine will of God.
Why did they choose to give a Mark-of-the-Beast style microchip the patent number 060606? Was it fate? Or a way to cement the futurist belief into the minds of Christians so that they believe destruction is unstoppable and resistance futile.
There are many different belief systems, but where is the good in sitting idly by to watch as evil devours the world around us?
For many years doctors have received bonuses for adherence to the latest drug therapy protocol. Drugs that are known to be dangerous such as statins and anti-depressants. And now we know that insurance companies are paying doctors to fully vaccinate your children.This incentive program for vaccinating babies can be found in the Blue Cross Blue Shield doctor incentives booklet. And specifies that every patient under the age of two that receives the currently prescribed twenty-four inoculations is worth a four-hundred dollar payout to that doctor.
For further motivation, they get paid by the hundred and they have to vaccinate a certain percentage of their total patients or they don’t get anything. Blue Cross Blue Shield rules say that a doctor needs to vaccinate sixty-three percent of their patients in order to qualify.
The average American pediatrician has about fifteen hundred patients and would have to have nine hundred and forty-five of them fully vaccinated in order to get paid. At forty-thousand for every hundred this works out to three-hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
This is why most pediatricians won’t provide care for families who don’t completely submit to the latest childhood vaccine schedule protocol. We are talking over a quarter million dollars which is more than the average pediatrician’s yearly salary.
Research shows that an unvaccinated child’s risk of death increases by over five thousand percent when they receive the current vaccine schedule.
And Doctors are now beginning to use virtual reality to help them administer these poisons to children who instinctively know better.
The word “Israel” was first presented in the Bible as a name given to Jacob after he fought an angel. Its meaning was a man who has struggled with God. And is commonly translated as “God Prevails” or “Man seeing God”. Many have argued that the word Israel in the Bible does not refer to a place, but rather a believer or a group of believers in God.Others believe the land known as Palestine was where the Biblical state of Israel once stood. And in the 17th century, Sabbatai Zevi was the first Jew to try and re-settle there.
Sabbatai Zevi claimed to be the Messiah and amassed a large Jewish following that engaged in ritual sex orgies and the defilement of God’s law. In the spring of 1666, they were planning to be the first Jewish settlement in Palestine. But things changed when Sabbatai was arrested and thrown in jail. His radical movement continued with the Frankism movement, and Zionism became more political.
Although they claimed to be secular, the Zionists flooded the temples with prayers for a return to Zion and a restoration of the Jewish state. But the rabbis rejected them. In 1885 the rabbis wrote that "we consider ourselves no longer a nation, but a religious community; and we therefore expect neither a return to Palestine, nor a sacrificial worship under the sons of Aaron, nor the restoration of any of the laws”.
While the rabbis offered no support, the Zionists garnered the support of the British Crown as early as 1841. And they were funded by the Rothschild banking dynasty, otherwise known as the Bank of England, so the Crown was likely involved from the start.
In 1897, the political intent to re-create the state of Israel was made official to the public. And in 1917, under the British government's Balfour Declaration, British troops seized control of Palestine on behalf of the Zionists.
In 1922, the League of Nations adopted the declaration. And in 1947, the United Nations granted parts of Palestine to the Zionists.
Between 1947 and 1949, Palestinians were made refugees and kicked out of the homes of their ancestors. Hundreds of villages were destroyed, and thousands of Palestinians were murdered in a series of massacres known as the Nakba. The Zionists killed Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
The Zionists claimed to be non-religious but they were mostly Ashkenazi Jews. The Ashkenazi can be traced back to the Khazars; the progenitors of Rabbinic Judaism.
The Khazar Khaganate was a major empire in what is now Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and parts of Russia, Turkey, and Iran. It was ruled by the Khazars but made up of several diverse nomadic tribes. In the year 740 the Khazars mass converted to Judaism. Synagogues and schools were built and Rabbinic Judaism was born. The original Jerusalem Talmud was replaced by the recently codified Babylonian Talmud. Which was based on Babylonian philosophy and became the mainstream thanks to the Khazars and the Zionists.
Some Christians believe that this is the synagogue of Satan written about in the Bible. “Which say they are Jews, and are not.” And many other Christians have become Zionists themselves.
The Zionists have tremendous support from American Megachurches and Christian Evangelicals many of whom believe that as the world becomes a fiery hell, they will be saved and brought to an eternal paradise. But in order for this to happen, the Temple of Solomon must be rebuilt, and two-thirds of the Jewish people must perish.
According to the Bible, King Solomon’s temple was constructed in 957 BC, and destroyed in 586 BC. Rebuilt again in 516 BC, and destroyed again in the year 70 AD.
Many Christians and Jews believe that this temple must be rebuilt in order for their messiah to come. But there is something in its way. Originally built near the end of the 7th century, the Al-Aqsa mosque is considered one of the three holiest sites in Islam. Islam teaches that this is where the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. The Temple Mount has been occupied by Israel ever since the Six-Day War of 1967. And now it looks like they are ready to complete their mission.
This is the Holy War that sane people have feared, and zealots have prayed for. They want you to pick a side and kill each other. But we can always choose peace. And learn to love our neighbors.
The origin of Friday the 13th has its roots in the ongoing Holy War. Specifically, Friday the 13th in October. Which is noteworthy seeing as how a worldwide Islamic Jihad has been called for today on Friday the 13th in October.The Knights Templar gained wealth and power by fighting as mercenaries for the Catholic Church during the Crusades. Their headquarters was in the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. On Mount Moriah, where Abraham built an altar to sacrifice his son.
King Solomon’s Temple is a central component of all three Abrahamic religions and especially in Western occultism. The Templars were officially known as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon… or "Templar" knights. Masonic lodges are based on the Temple of Solomon. Kabbalah teaches that the Temple of Solomon represents the metaphysical world and the descending light of the creator through the Tree of Life. The Templar knights wore white mantles with a red cross. A symbology that can be found throughout the history of the Catholic Church and its offshoots. The rebuilding of King Solomon’s Temple is a crucial goal of many religious groups and secret societies.
The Templars were not only expert warriors, they were also pioneers in an early form of banking, and arguably one of the world's first multinational corporations. They acquired land throughout Europe and the Middle East including the island of Cyprus, they owned and operated several farms and vineyards, they built massive stone cathedrals, and they had their own fleet of ships for war, and for the import/export business.
When Jerusalem was recaptured by Muslim forces in 1187, the Templars were forced to leave the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount. But they still managed many businesses, and wielded much power.
King Philip the Fourth was deeply in debt to the Templars and began pressuring the church to take action against them. At dawn on Friday the 13th of October 1307, mass arrests were carried out against the Templars. Claims were made that Templar recruits were forced to spit on the Cross and deny Christ. They were accused of worshiping Baphomet and a mummified head believed to be that of John the Baptist.
Dozens of Templars were burned at the stake. And the order was officially dissolved.
The Temple Mount remained under control of Muslim forces until the British captured it in the Battle of 1917. Thirty years later, the United Nations gave the land surrounding the Temple Mount to the Zionists. And Israel has been encroaching upon it ever since.
The infamous Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini known as; The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, was allegedly written by Albert Pike in 1871. The letter outlines a plan to foment three world wars in an attempt to take over the world.It is claimed that the letter was on display in the British Museum Library until 1977. But the British Museum denies this claim. Some suggest that the use of the word Nazism in 1871 proves that the letter is a fraud. And others say the same about Zionism. But Zionism existed back then.
Zionism was made official in the late 1800s as a non-religious nationalist movement arguing that the bible was proof that Jews had a lawful claim to the land of Palestine. An area that was currently inhabited by a population that has lived there, relatively peacefully, for centuries. Around the alleged writing of this Albert Pike letter, Jews began immigrating to Palestine with the intention of someday creating a state of Israel. Which didn’t happen until 1948 after World War II and the creation of the United Nations.
Albert Pike joined the fraternal Independent Order of Odd Fellows in 1840. By 1859 he was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction and remained Sovereign Grand Commander for the rest of his life. He was definitely aware of Zionism, and if this Illuminati plan is true, then his use of the word Nazi is plausible. Either way, the letter is worth a read. And the closer we get to the end game, the more accurate this letter appears to be.
The Illuminati Plan ('the great manipulation') for 3 World Wars:
The First World War must be brought about in order to overthrow the Czars in Russia and make that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by agents of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. After the war, Communism will be used to destroy other governments and weaken the religions.
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and political Zionism is strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough to balance Christendom, which would be restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agents of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islam. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Whoever wrote this letter had the vision to see where this is all going. By manipulating our beliefs and emotions, mankind has been herded into these wars like cattle to the slaughter. Emotions are running at an all-time high today. Best to breathe deep and get centered.
Once you start waking up from the hypnotic trance of the official lie, the word “they” is often used to lay blame on the perpetrators. This is usually followed by the question, “Who are ‘they’?”According to ancient history, religion, mythology, and occult tradition, they are not human. And they have been manipulating humanity from the shadows for millennia.The Gods of Eden by William Bramley does an excellent job of tracing this back through all of recorded history, but let’s just start from the late nineteenth century.Just over a century ago, it was known that giants with red hair and double rows of teeth once inhabited America. These nine-foot-tall giants were written about casually in 1874 by Abraham Lincoln. A few years later the Smithsonian Institute began confiscating giant mummies and skeletons by the thousands. in 1886, the exclusive Jekyll Island Club was founded and built upon an ancient burial site of the Timucua tribe, who were said to be giants.
In 1910 the Federal Reserve Banking conspiracy was hatched on Jekyll Island between the Rothschild banking dynasty and the Rockefeller family, whose cabin there was known as “Mound Cottage” and said to have been built upon a sacrificial alter. These powerful families worked together to hide the truth of our mysterious past. And they built a modern society with poison to keep us dumb and lies to keep us confused.
The Rothschild dynasty and the Federal Reserve System funded all sides of the First and Second World Wars. Which paved the way for the creation of the United Nations in 1945. Funded by the Rockefellers, the UN was the beginning of today’s defacto World Government.
The Nuremberg trials resulted with only twelve sentenced to death, and seven sent to prison. The majority were allowed to professionally continue their criminal activities. NAZIs who were tried for medical experiments involving cruelty and murder were later brought into Big Pharma through Operation Paperclip. And an entire team of NAZI rocket scientists were brought in to start NASA.
While the Nuremberg trials may have been mostly theater, they had their revelations. It was revealed that the NAZI eugenics program stemmed from organizations in America funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and its offshoots. And it was revealed that many high-ranking NAZIs believed they were in contact with an alien race known as the Aryans. The same mythical race that allegedly created Hinduism as it is known today. While many Hindu scholars dismiss this claim, the NAZIs believed it. It is why they adopted the popular Hindu Swastika. They also studied the Vedas, and their most classified project, the Bell, had the same design as the Vimana spacecraft described in these ancient texts.
In 1971, a young Klaus Schwab, son of a NAZI nuclear scientist, was placed as the head of what is now known as the World Economic Forum by his mentor, Henry Kissinger.
In 1974, Rockefeller protégé Henry Kissinger wrote National Security Memorandum 200 for the United Nations. This is popularly known as the “Kissinger Report” and is one of the foundational documents of the depopulation agenda unfolding today. With Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum acting as the tip of the spear.
And so who are they? Several will say it’s the Rothschild family. But they seem to work for the Crown. Others argue that the Vatican holds more sway. Many people insist it’s the Jesuits and some swear it’s the Jews.
According to occult records, a character named Sanat Kumara rules over the world from inside the Earth along with a group known as the Great White Brotherhood—seven in total. Helena Blavatsky says these seven Kumaras are the same as the seven Dhyanis, the seven Archangels, and the seven Elohim. The seven representing the Seven Sisters, also known as the Pleiades star cluster.
NASA, which was started by NAZIs, Freemasons, and Satanists, has been obsessed with both Pleiades and Orion ever since the Apollo Moon missions. According to hundreds of alien abductees, that is where most aliens claim to be from. Two different factions. One to help liberate humanity, and the other to enslave us. It is the oldest story on Earth, good vs evil. The darkness and the light. The White Hats and the Black Hats. It is a struggle within each one of us and is unfolding in the world around us for all to see. A more beneficial inquiry might be ‘who am I?’. But either way, do not be surprised if the fake alien invasion features real aliens.
The counterculture is now aware of False Flags. Operations that are executed by the powers that be and blamed on someone else are now being called out in real-time on social media platforms despite the censorship. It’s becoming popular. And if the powers that be can no longer trick us, then they will try and hurt us.According to the scientific data, nearly all humans have a certain degree of psychic awareness. And some of us become acutely aware of it. The term, Remote Viewing, was coined by the US Department of Defense when they began training people in this field. It is the art of viewing an unknown target at any distance within the mind’s eye and retrieving accurate data. To refine this data, Remote Viewers work together as a team and look for redundant data.
Remote Viewing teams such as, the Future Forecasting Group, work with a double-blind protocol. This means that they do not know where or what the target is. The information they are given is an arbitrarily designated number such as; A9I5-Q7K4. As they blindly view the target in a meditative state of focus, imagery is flashed in the mind and immediately sketched out and collected. The Future Forecasting Group has been successful at predicting the Panama Canal incident, the Destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine, the Halloween stampede in South Korea, police violence at the Canadian Trucker protest, and many others. Which can all be found at Future Forecasting Group.com.
The Future Forecasting Group was recently assigned the target of the next financial crisis. Because of their double-blind protocol, the only information they were given was an arbitrary number. But the Viewers were all distracted by overpowering images of a catastrophic event. They all saw the same thing. Massive explosions with multiple points of impact, small particles, and debris falling from the sky, people sick with Cesium, which is the most dangerous of all radioactive isotopes. Used in Dirty Bomb scenarios. They saw police checkpoints, people seeking shelter underground, and an exodus of sad-looking people.
Remote Viewing goes back in the written record for millennia. And has been repeated in the current scientific record for decades. According to this body of work, most people are able to do this. And this is why Clif High’s Predictive Linguistics program works.
By reading the entirety of human language across the World Wide Web, the program will list repeated words and phrases in all languages creating a macroscopic view of what everyone is talking about. So if all humans are psychic, whether they know it or not, then you would see it in the collective chatter. Especially for traumatic events. The bigger the trauma, the more people would be emoting their anxiety online. And key words can be found. Such as the word “ejecta”, which has been showing up in Clif High’s work. Which shows the same event.
Predictive Linguistics reveals a time frame of when a big event happens at the point in time when the tension language ends, and the release language begins. The tension language is the psychic awareness before an event. And the release language is the event itself as everyone is made aware. Based on this, Clif High sees this event happening near the end of this year.
Both the Predictive Linguistics and the Future Forecasting Group saw that this was a decision that was made by some faction of government. Several saw a button being pressed. And they propose that if enough eyes are on the powers that be, maybe it will never happen.
Steve Favis is an expert in computer science and advanced robotics. He has been researching the Maui fires and has compiled evidence that the technology exists to have started these fires from a satellite in earth orbit. He has also confirmed that the CCP had satellites capable of doing so above Maui at the time of the fires. His work has been published on his website stevefavis.com and includes everything you need to recreate his findings.The most efficient way to ignite a fire on the surface from a satellite in earth orbit would be to paint the target in segments by pulsing the laser with an advanced targeting system. To see if this were possible, Favis calculated what it would require to create a meter-wide mile-long fire.
Fired from a satellite, the Earth's atmosphere will absorb and scatter some of the laser energy. And so the laser would need to be in a wavelength range that minimizes this. The most effective wavelength would be in the near-infrared range which would allow better transmission through the atmosphere. The near-infrared range would be invisible to the naked eye, and would also have a minimal reaction with objects colored blue on the Earth’s surface.
The power of the laser would need to be in the hundreds of kilowatts range. And so Favis based his calculations on a 10-megawatt laser firing from earth orbit. Assuming that the atmospheric loss amounts to 50% of the overall power and only 5 megawatts reaches the surface as a one square meter beam, it would ignite a fire almost instantly.
If this 5-megawatt beam was pulsed across a one-meter by one-mile-long area in segments, then the time to ignite the entire area would be roughly 2.7 minutes. And it would take approximately 8.8 seconds to melt an aluminum alloy wheel.
The amount of energy required to pulse a 10-megawatt laser for 2.7 minutes would require approximately 3,220 capacitors, which would amount to about 32,200 kilograms in weight.
Using Matlab software and plugging in public data provided from NORAD, he found that satellites launched and monitored by the CCP were directly above the Maui fires at the time of ignition.
The CCP’s most powerful rocket, the March 5, can launch up to 48,500 kilograms of payload. Which is enough to carry the required payload. But Favis has found that the CCP has much more powerful lasers deployed already. He has calculated that the CCP has up to 70 GIGAwatt lasers in earth orbit right now. That’s at least a hundred times more powerful than what he factored into these calculations.
Adjusting NORAD’s default Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC, to the local time zones Favis found the following:
The Olinda fire was ignited at approximately 10:47 pm on August 7th. At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD_53299 was directly over the location.
The Lahaina fire was ignited at approximately 6:37 am on August 8th. At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD_55836 was directly over the location.
The Kula fire was ignited at approximately 11:30 am on August 8th. At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD_53299 was directly over the location.
The so-called Deep State does not want you to know that deadly lasers of mass destruction are freely traveling above us. And you can check this all for yourself at stevefavis.com where he provides the source code and has developed a specific software program that you can download and check for these satellites yourself.
Elections have been rigged for centuries because government is a form of slavery. Which is why what the founding fathers of these United States gave us is so revered. They drafted a form of government unlike any other in history. A revolutionary form of governance based upon the foundation that all men are created equal and independent, and that all are born with the inherent and inalienable right to the preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.George Washington wrote:
“If men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.”
Benjamin Franklin wrote:
“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins”
And this is where we are at today. Our first amendment states that:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
And it has been stripped away from us by tyrants.
NEWS host, Owen Shroyer, is being charged with the crime of questioning the results of the 2020 presidential elections, the most blatant election fraud in US history. And he did so peacefully which is his god-given right under the US Constitution. But America has already been defeated. And while many haven’t noticed, others don’t seem to care.
Shroyer isn’t being charged with conspiracy, incitement, or any actual crime at all. He is being charged for exercising his freedom of speech. The sentencing document goes on for pages quoting him for saying what Americans on both sides of the crippling two-party system have been saying for over a century. In short, that the government is tyrannical and criminal. Which should be obvious to just about everyone at this point. And this is not a crime. It is the first line of defense against tyranny, our freedom to call it out.
The document mentions a simple misdemeanor that involves Shroyer being on capitol grounds. This was a violation of a court order that resulted from a 2019 arrest when Shroyer stood and protested a House Judiciary Committee meeting. But this is not the crime he is being charged with.
The 30-page sentencing document is nothing but hot air being blown by a legal team held on the leash by tyrants who occupy the halls of our government. What Shroyer is actually being charged with is best summarized on page 20 where it states:
“his statements and actions after January 6 illustrate his complete lack of remorse. To date, despite a number of opportunities he has taken to speak about the election and January 6, he has yet to sincerely demonstrate genuine remorse for his conduct.”
In other words, he won’t shut up about the stolen 2020 election. This is his god-given right. But the criminals who have highjacked we the people’s government are letting the rest of us know that those days are over, and we are now their slaves to be experimented on, thrown in jail, and murdered.
After 9/11 and the birth of Homeland Security, fusion centers were set up to monitor U.S. citizens. And the U.S. Department of Justice legalized non-consensual experiments on the public.These Fusion centers employ civilians to target individuals and harass them, intimidate them, vandalize their property, and interfere with their day-to-day life. This is known as Gang Stalking. Former high-ranking FBI agent, Ted Gunderson, reported in 2011 that he and thousands of others were being targeted. FBI agent Mike German confirmed this as well. Several federal agents have reported that they were targeting individual Americans including people who were simply Pro-Life. And that they were pressured to put more people on their targeting lists to legitimize more federal funding.
These Homeland Security Fusion centers are able to put any American citizen on the terrorist watch list without any reason or due process.
In 2012 NSA whistleblower, William Binney, reported that the Feds are conducting comprehensive surveillance on nearly every US citizen and targeting whomever they please.
In 2014 Glen Greenwald exposed the methods used to target individuals such as hacking into people’s social media accounts, posing as that person, and contacting their friends and co-workers.
Targeted Justice dot com is currently working on suing the federal government for targeting individual US citizens with different high-tech weapons including Directed Energy Weapons. The Havanna syndrome, when diplomats in Cuba were attacked with Directed Energy Weapons, was not an isolated event. There are thousands of individuals who claim to be under this same sort of attack. And they have the scars to prove it.
As far back as 1976, the technology to remotely alter brain waves has existed. Including Voice to Skull technology that allows the government to directly transmit voices into people’s brains.
As bad as all this is, it is likely to get much worse. In 2017 Dr James Giordano gave a lecture on the latest government technologies to target individuals. Such as neuroweapons to control brain function and modify memories. Nano particulates that can give an individual a stroke. He explains how they can make people sick with an undetectable illness to make them go crazy. And he says they can already control insects and use them to deliver bioweapons.
The recent fires in California, Australia, and now Hawaii are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. They are being called forest fires and wildfires, but they are clearly something very different. These fires are burning homes into a white powdery ash footprint while often leaving the surrounding green trees and shrubs practically untouched.In extreme cases, forest fires can reach temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, and the melting point of aluminum is 1220 degrees Fahrenheit. So it is possible for an extreme forest fire to melt aluminum. But there are cars with puddles of melted aluminum that were clearly not in the wildfire area. And melted glass, which has a melting point of around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. These are unexplained anomalies. In the California fires of 2018, cars were randomly bursting into flames on the freeway with no surrounding fires. We’ve seen these same anomalies in New York City on September 11th, 2001. Cars completely burned out with no explanation.
In Maui, these unnatural fires spared the homes of the rich while burning the native homes of the working class. With precision, these fires destroyed the most envied, high-valued area of Maui.
For decades, Directed Energy Weapons have been classified. But they have been on the public record for several years. Directed Energy Weapons, or DEWs, have the ability to burn homes with this sort of precision. But in order to be this precise, the area would have to be mapped out. In January of this year, green lasers were seen over Hawaii which could best be described as a geospatial array for mapping terrain.
We have seen that among the ashy ruins, there are blue-colored objects that have somehow survived the devastation. Blue cars. Blue umbrellas. A blue boat. Blue planters.
Videos online are going viral that show how lasers can easily burn through certain colored objects, but objects that are colored blue remain unharmed.
Directed Energy Weapons include lasers, millimeter wave, and microwave. They are all based on light frequencies. And different wavelengths of light affect colors differently. For example, in laser tattoo removal, different wavelengths are used for removing different colors. And this is because color is a quality of light, and each color has its own frequency. Interestingly enough, the frequency of the color blue is 6.66.
The blame for the destruction of West Maui is falling upon Hawaiian Electric who knew as early as four years ago that there was a risk of fire due to their own negligence of maintaining power lines. But did nothing. Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, has been shifting their focus to clean energy. But in order to Build Back Better, they must first destroy the old system. And so the power was left on to feed the fires.The outdoor siren warning system on Maui is one of the most advanced and maintained warning systems on Earth. Residents are accustomed to monthly tests and on the day of the fire, no sirens went off. The director in charge of this warning system was at a FEMA disaster seminar in Oahu as the fires were devastating the people of Maui.
When asked if he regretted not sounding the alarm, he said no. Because he was worried that the people would run into the fire.
But instead, they burned to death. Including an untold number of children who were home alone that morning because of a school cancellation.
The water wasn’t on. Fire hydrants were dry. And the Deputy Director of Water Resource Management, who was named an Obama Foundation Leader, refused to release water for the west Maui fires until it was too late. He says that in order to share water, Hawaiians need to discuss equity.
Without any warnings and without any water, the people tried to flee. But they were stopped by the police who had orders to keep people from escaping.
The Maui chief of police, John Pelletier, was the incident officer at one of the biggest cover-up operations in US history; the 2017 Las Vegas shootings.
Residents are not allowed to leave unless they get a permission slip from the federal government. But the government recently decided to shut that option down. While the fires burned, a book was published about the entire event. The book blamed climate change and was written by a Dr Miles Stones. The definition of milestone is; an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
Hawaii is being usurped by the same billionaires pushing for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. They have been planning on turning Maui into a test bed for their Artificial Intelligence Smart Grid. But the people were in their way, so they burned them out. Maui will either be a major milestone for the ruling class, or a line in the sand for we the people.
The federal government offers a one-time payment of seven hundred dollars to each family that has lost their home. And the Governor of Hawaii tells reporters that the state plans on acquiring the land.
And if it wasn’t for the local community, the survivors would be left alone to die in the ashes of their neighbors.
Survivors of the Maui fire say that they received no warning and that the flames appeared so quickly that escape was difficult. Everything was suddenly in flames and many found refuge in the ocean for hours while their homes burned to the ground and into the same powdery ash footprint we’ve seen in recent years. So far, it is estimated that nearly a thousand people have died. Locals are worried this includes hundreds of children who were home due to school being canceled that day.Several people are reporting that the government is not only doing little to help but they are blocking local efforts to do so and not allowing local donations through. And blocking life-saving medicine because it isn’t federally approved.
The people of Maui are on their own for now. And aside from the federal government’s bureaucratic failure, they have good reason to be suspicious. Just like what we saw five years ago in Paradise California, there was nothing normal about these fires. Within a day of burning, it was like a bomb went off.
Local residents have been reporting bright flashes of light. One was captured by a home security camera that appears to have been the start of the Olinda fire.
Many people are saying that it was Directed Energy Weapons. We know that most major governments already have them. And during the California fires, online weather maps recorded what looks like a laser from above striking an area just before it bursts into flames.
In his research, Denis Mills discovered that the incendiary aluminum and barium nanodust from chemtrails is most likely fueling the ferocity of today’s so-called super wildfires. And on the day before the Maui fires broke out, locals were reporting a heavy overcast from chem-trailing that they’d never seen before.
It’s also interesting to note that the Maui police chief was the incident commander for the Las Vegas mass shooting in 2017.
Lahaina is considered to be a historic and sacred land. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii before it was taken by the United States. It’s been occupied by native Hawaiians ever since who are defiantly opposed to the mainland outsiders who have been buying up land with no respect for local culture. Not just BlackRock and Vanguard, but Billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg who owns more land on Kauai than what the government of Kauai owns. And Oprah Winfrey who has bought over a thousand acres of land in Hawaii. Including a new 870 acres in Maui she bought this Spring.
In 2018 the Paradise wildfires broke out exactly where the United Nations have plans to somehow make off-limits to humans. And that same year a report on wildfire prevention was published that was focused on the exact same areas in Maui where the fires just broke out.
Governor Josh Green has been putting the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda ahead of Hawaiian interests. Just weeks before the fire he unveiled an emergency proclamation on housing that eliminates the Land Use Commission. Allowing the government more leeway to build as they see fit. Such as building 15-minute Smart Cities run by Artificial Intelligence. Just like they’ve been planning for years.
In 1984 Charley Reese of the Orlando Sentinel wrote the following. Still true today.One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings, out of 300 million, who are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.
I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.
Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted – by present facts – of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.
If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red. If the Army and Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan. If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way. There are no insoluble government problems.
Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do. Those 545 people and they alone, are responsible. They and they alone, have the power. They and they alone should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses. Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.
Doctor Charles Morgan, former CIA and consultant for the US military on neurological sciences, spoke to cadets at West Point in 2018 about the current state of technology. He briefed the cadets on experiments from 2013 where humans were given neural implants that allowed them to control prosthetic arms with their thoughts. Experiments where one person can control another person’s hands by just wearing an EEG cap. Experiments where information is transmitted from one mind to another. And experiments where memories are erased.Doctor Morgan admits they have the technology to target an individual person and are working on the ability to erase the memories of any human they choose. Their biggest challenge five years ago was being able to interface with the hippocampus without the use of physical wires. And this is most likely one of the motivating factors for the deployment of the experimental COVID shots.
Using Dark-field microscopy, Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea has captured in great detail what the scientific literature describes as effective technologies that exist today. Technology such as Quantum Dots.
Quantum Dots are nanotechnology with the ability to organize, operate, communicate, and build structures within the blood. They do so with a tunable photoluminescence that can be programmed to dictate various tasks via optical communication. The description and images displayed in the scientific literature compared to what Mihalcea’s Dark-field microscopy has captured are the same. You can see the Quantum Dots blinking in different colors acting as the artificial intelligence directing the self-assembly around them. Bubbles are created within the blood that act as construction sites. Within these construction bubbles, the Quantum Dots organize the various materials into self-assembly.
These technologies are being found in both the blood of the vaccinated and in the blood of the un-vaccinated. Depending on what materials are available, the Quantum Dots will trigger them into self-assembly. The COVID vaccines are full of rare and heavy metals to make all manner of nanotechnology. But it seems as if almost everyone is infected with some sort of nano-tech. According to several research teams, everyone’s blood seems to contain the materials required to produce the filaments, and the lattice work for this technology. Blood samples that appear to be healthy have been completely transformed by applying a mere 10 milliamps of electric current for two hours. And it looks as if we may have been infected by the Chemtrails. Morgellons disease was first reported in 2002. It’s when synthetic fibers or filaments are growing in a person’s body. It has been theorized for decades that this was being spread via Chemtrails. And under a microscope, it appears to be the same filaments that people today are calling blood clots. And what the scientific journals call self-assembled hydrogels. According to Dane Wiggington from Geoengineering watch dot org, nanoparticles are being sprayed worldwide. The good news is that Doctor Mihalcea’s research has found a remedy. The iron in the infected blood has been oxidized to a 3-plus state. And by taking antioxidants one is able to dissolve these filament clots. She has found that EDTA Chelation therapy will remedy infected blood within 3 days. And mega-dosing Vitamin C also works.
Greg Reese Report - Jul 29, 2023 - Runtime: 5:10
At the Mercy of the Big Banks
A digital prison is being built around us
In 1975 New York City was over eleven billion dollars in debt. And the banks were no longer there to bail them out. Instead, the bankers made them sweat, never showed up to the meeting, and then created a committee that they controlled so that the banks could manage the city directly. This has been brilliantly documented in the Adam Curtis film HyperNormalisation.That was nearly fifty years ago. And so you can be sure that the banks manage everything now. Politicians are merely their puppets. Which was recently made blatantly obvious with the public display of Diane Feinstein and her handlers.
Politicians are only there to keep the people divided and distracted. And they have so far been hugely successful at that. While a cashless society is slowly being built around us, everyone is hyper-emotional about something else and focused on fighting each other. Which is most certainly exactly what the banks were shooting for. Because once they get us off of cash and completely onto a digital system then the banks will have absolute control over each and every one of us.
Elon Musk announced over a year ago that he planned to convert Twitter into an everything app like China’s WeChat. An app to do everything including online banking and finance.Last April Musk announced that Twitter Inc. has been renamed to X Corp., he created a new Artificial Intelligence company known as X.AI and he partnered with eToro for stock and crypto exchange.
The media would have you believe that Elon Musk is an independent billionaire genius whose dream is to revolutionize banking. But this story is demonstrably false. The facts tell us that Elon Musk is a frontman for the same old same old. But because he says there are only two genders he has gained the trust of a radicalized people in a time of war, without ever having to explain his lies.
Musk says he grew up poor but his family was rich with emeralds and had a history of abuse and witchcraft. Telltale signs of multi-generational mind control.
Musk received tens of thousands of dollars from his parents to launch his first business venture. A digital phone book known as Zip2. Outside coders were hired to write the entire thing because Elon couldn’t code. Zip2 sold for millions and went nowhere. But Elon made 22 million dollars and with the help of the mainstream media, launched his new persona as a quirky pop-star genius. He then acquired x dot com and announced he would create an online bank known as X. He partnered with banking experts who all left the company after accusing Elon of lying to the media about the product. Which is all he did.
Elon Musk is believed to have co-founded PayPal. This is false. In 2000 Musk sold his failing x dot com business to Confinity, a company founded in 1998 by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin. All Musk reportedly did there was insist on changing the company’s name to X. He was forced out but somehow managed to get them to agree in writing to remove all references to ‘founders’ from the company website.
Musk made nearly two hundred million off the sale of PayPal, a company that he contributed nothing to, and then used that money along with the illusion of being a successful businessman co-founder to buy his way into Tesla.
Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 by Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard, who developed the Tesla Roadster. When Tesla accepted millions from Elon, it came with the condition that he be named chairman of the company. Even though he only contributed money, Musk was unable to hide his anger that the media wasn’t giving him credit for Tesla Motors. And after forcing Eberhard out of the company he re-wrote their history to have himself listed as an original co-founder.
This obvious fake persona of a billionaire quirky genius has worked so well that few even question SpaceX. The official story is that Elon, who has absolutely no experience with rocket science, came up with the idea for SpaceX while traveling to Russia with the CIA's Michael Griffin of In-Q-Tel. Shortly after this conversation, Griffin was made administrator of NASA where he launched the COTS program that privatized NASA’s rocket program. And awarded two-hundred and seventy-eight million dollars to SpaceX who had never made or flown any rockets. Musk then partnered with rocket engineer Tom Mueller, who went on to produce rocket technology that has clearly been developed for years in the private sectors of the military-industrial complex.
Elon's companies have received billions in government subsidies over the last two decades. Money that was later spent on the purchase of Twitter. Where he immediately began the process of turning it into an everything app with its own banking system. Or rather, the ruling class cabal that pulls his strings is turning Twitter into an everything app with its own banking system. And that should be alarming. But he says there are only two genders, and families are good, and people love a hero.
They don’t need to chip you to control you. We already have iris scanners and palm scanners. A cashless society will do the job. And for many, Elon’s X will be preferable to Amazon’s palm scanners. The illusion of choice will make your financial enslavement less painful.
Greg Reese Report - Jul 21, 2023 - Runtime: 6:20
Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control and the CIA
We need to be focused on the disease if we ever want to end this
In 1987 Tallahassee, Florida police responded to an anonymous phone tip about six malnourished children covered in bug bites and scratches being accompanied by two well-dressed men in a public park. The two men were arrested for child abuse and suspicion of trafficking children across state lines. And so the U.S. Customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department, and the FBI all got involved.The two men arrested had multiple fake IDs and were found to be members of a group known as the Finders. The Finders owned multiple properties in the D.C. area. The investigation of these properties reportedly found evidence of child pornography, and photographs of “three children and three white-robed men dismembering two goats”.
The children described a harsh learning environment where a man known as the Game Caller was in charge of everyone. And could talk to the adults with a computer in the van. One of the games they played was responding to local newspaper advertisements for babysitters, tutors, and anything else that could get them into a family’s home where they would gather as much information as possible about their habits, identity, and occupation.
The Finders were labeled a “satanic cult.” And the media sensationalized it for a full week until the investigation was called off. It was reported that the mothers of the children were members of the Finders and that the two men had the full consent of the parents to be transporting them. The media narrative then blamed their own sensationalism. Claiming that the whole thing was blown out of proportion and that the Finders were just a harmless nineteen-sixties-style hippie community.
Years later the reports of U.S. Customs Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez began bringing attention back to the matter. Martinez claimed that evidence included the intent to traffick children, the ordering of children from Hong King through the Chinese Embassy, the instructions on the impregnation of female members of the Finders, and a library of books on the subjects of mind control and terrorist warfare strategy.
Martinez claimed that every attempt to review evidence was blocked. And was finally told by a member of the Metropolitan Police Department that the Finders had come under the protection of the CIA, who claimed jurisdiction by deeming it an “internal matter,” and had the entire case labeled “Secret.”
The leader of the Finders, Marion Pettie, bragged about infiltrating the C.I.A., his wife Isabelle worked for the C.I.A. and their son worked for the C.I.A. run Air America. Finder members’ Passports revealed travel visas to places such as North Korea, North Vietnam, and Russia all approved by the U.S. State Department.
This resurfaced evidence inspired outrage and an investigation was launched. The Department of Justice began investigating allegations that the C.I.A. had used a ‘front company’ run by a commune to train agency employees. Their investigation resulted in a verdict of no evidence of CIA interference and no evidence of criminal activity with the Finders.
During this same time period was the McMartin Preschool scandal wherein hundreds of parents reported that their children had suffered satanic sexual abuse at a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California. For some reason, evidence seized from the Finders included a map of this same Preschool.
This seems to be the norm. KinderCare, the biggest pre-school chain in America, was owned by Henry Kravis, who was a close associate of former C.I.A. Director, George Bush.
Former Clinton Foundation official, Joel Getz, operated a huge chain of kindergartens in China where several parents complained that their children were molested.
Just as the C.I.A. and their partner groups manage the media, Hollywood, and the worldwide drug trade, they also manage the human slave trade. And as bad as the symptoms are, we need to be focused on the disease if we ever want to end this.
The Bank for International Settlements recently published a report called, “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new.” This report proposes that a Central Bank Digital Currency will serve as the new reserve currency. And calls for the digital confiscation of all physical property by assigning every real-world item its own unique digital token which will contain rules on how each item can and cannot be used. So that each person can be controlled and conditioned directly by the central bank.
Many good-hearted people have strong emotions about the environment. And their emotions are so strong that they have been manipulated by a corrupt government to castrate themselves and castrate their own children to save the Earth from climate change. This should teach us something about our emotions. They can blind us from logic and reason. And we all have them.This report is not a critique of the film, the Sound of Freedom. I saw this film and I appreciate that it is bringing awareness to a subject that I personally have very strong emotions about. This report is about a clear red flag that people should be aware of so that we don’t allow our emotions to blind us from logic and reason.
According to MK-Ultra whistle-blowers the CIA acquired children for Project Monarch by cataloging child pornography sent through the US mail. And the only thing that’s changed since then, is that the world has gone digital.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, or the NCMEC, went international in 1999. The ICMEC was launched by Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, with Richard Branson acting as a founding sponsor. It is now partnered with law enforcement in over a hundred and fifty territories including Interpol and Europol.
In 2009 the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project and by 2014 they created a “Global Modern Day Slavery” database of organizations in 199 countries to monitor human trafficking.
Also in 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group, the infamous pedophile art collectors of the Wikileaks Podesta email scandal, to be their PR company where they were responsible for promoting Amber Ready’s cell phone technology which created a database of children so that if they were ever abducted, their information was already on file.
Once this child database syndicate was launched, human trafficking increased. Within nine years the human trafficking industry went from around thirty billion dollars a year to a hundred and fifty billion dollars a year. Nearly all child pornography is processed and stored within this framework on foreign servers in Sweden. In 2014 President Obama assigned the task of how to manage this gathered intelligence data to John Podesta.
The Clintons, the Podestas, and their friends are demonstrably involved in the criminal side of child sex trafficking. If this is news to you I recommend my report from 2019; Are the Clintons Involved in Human Trafficking? Which is based on the well-researched article by Corey Digs. And it is this group who manages and runs Polaris, the ICMEC, and the NCMEC. And these are the same groups that Angel Studios, producers of the Sound of Freedom, are directing people to as a way to combat child trafficking.
The billionaire who has been funding Tim Ballard’s operation is Carlos Slim. Who has also funded Hillary Clinton and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And if you believe that the Democrats are the problem, then I recommend you look into the Franklin Cover-up and the Bohemian Grove. Pedophilia is how the hidden hand controls their puppet politicians.
Awareness of this horrific problem is good. And perhaps Angel Studios is unaware of who they are promoting. But if we think that the same NGOs whose efforts increased the child sex trade by 500% will somehow end child sex slavery, then maybe we are too emotional to think clearly. And that’s a problem. Because this same cabal is pushing a totalitarian surveillance state, they are already pushing the idea of micro-chipping your children, to keep them safe. And without logic and reason, the people will demand it. And our children will be more enslaved than ever.
Greg Reese Report - Jul 12, 2023 Runtime: 6:18
Child Slavery and the Sound of Freedom
Ten billion a year industry in the US alone
The Sound of Freedom was completed five years ago but Disney fought them in the courts to keep it from being released. Hollywood employs several convicted pedophiles. And mostly at Disney and Nickelodeon who specialize in children’s programming and have even re-hired pedophiles after they’ve served light sentences for raping child actors.Hollywood has been abusing children since its inception. Including child actors of the 1930s such as Shirley Temple, Mickey Rooney, and Judy Garland, who wrote that she was constantly molested behind the scenes by powerful men including MGM co-founder Louis B. Mayer. And nothing has stopped Hollywood from continuing this horrific abuse.
It has been known for decades that governments have systemically abused children. Beginning in the nineteen-sixties the German government began placing thousands of foster children into the homes of single pedophiles. And continued doing it up until the nineteen-nineties. Thousands of Catholic priests have been accused of raping children and no justice has ever come of it.
Jeffrey Epstein was targeting individuals and recording them raping children as a form of blackmail so that powerful entities could control them. Epstein has disappeared, and so has his little black book. Many have claimed that Hugh Hefner was doing the same thing for the C.I.A. that Epstein was doing. In 1976, Hefner’s Playboy magazine published erotic nude pictures of a ten-year-old girl. And nobody seemed to care.
The effects on these children can often be fatal, whether it’s from blunt trauma or suicide. And those who survive most often struggle with it for their entire life.
Child abuse has been used as a form of trauma-based mind control because it often forces the child to dissociate which has been known to create multiple personalities. MK-Ultra Whistle-blower Cathy O'Brien came from a family of multi-generational child abuse that sold her to the US government.
Some families practice incest and pedophilia to gain power and to maintain it. Inbred Jacob Rothschild explains it here while reading a quote from his inbred relative James Rothschild. “In our family, we’ve always tried to keep love in the family. In this sense, it was more or less understood since childhood that children would never think of marrying outside the family so as our fortune would never leave it.” ~ James Mayer de Rothschild
Our entire system is profiting from child slavery. About ten billion dollars a year in the US alone. And our entire government seems to be involved. Congress has paid millions of our tax dollars to cover up their sex abuse crimes. Thousands of children are being trafficked across our southern border. And now it’s become trendy to castrate children and turn them into a so-called transgender. And if we the people don’t do something about this, then the blossoming surveillance state will have a solution. Don’t be surprised if our children are soon monitored twenty-four-seven under the guise of keeping them safe because we have failed to do so.
While we can not expect to rid the earth of all evil, something obviously needs to be done.
Greg Reese Report - Jul 05, 2023 Runtime: 5:58
The Fed Launches Phase One of Their CBDC This Month
The Great Reset’s worldwide social credit system has arrived
Greg Reese Report - Jul 01, 2023 Runtime: 6:47
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Two hundred and forty seven years have passed, and we have mostly forgotten what these words mean
Greg Reese Report - Jun 28, 2023 - Runtime: 6:19
The 2 Party System and the Dumbing Down of America
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was and never will be - Thomas Jefferson
Greg Reese Report - Jun 16, 2023 - Runtime: 9:12
America Needs To be Recaptured
Under The Banner Of Liberty!
Strong words from political prisoner Jeremy Brown (Among MANY!)
Greg Reese Report - Jun 14, 2023 - Runtime: 6:50
Whistleblower Claims Advanced Technology In Antarctica Can Cause Earthquakes
NAZI base New Swabia and the secret technology below the 80th parallel
Greg Reese Report - Jun 10, 2023 - Runtime: 5:42
Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As
Catalyst For Canadian FEMA
Problem Reaction Solution
Greg Reese Report - Jun 07, 2023 - Runtime: 5:32
All Of South Quebec Simultaneously
Erupted In Flames
Evidence suggests that militant level arson is responsible
Greg Reese Report - May 31, 2023 - Runtime: 5:20
US Climate Czar Announces War Like Effort
To Shut Down American Food Supply
They call it innovation because they are confident that our pain and desperation will some day give birth to an innovative new solution.
Greg Reese Report - May 26, 2023 - Runtime: 6:07
David Martin Exposes Timeline of The Biggest Democide in Recorded History
A short overview of David Martin's speech before the EU Paliment
Greg Reese Report - May 23, 2023 - Runtime: 5:59
Former Child Star Speaks Out
About Satanic Ritual Sacrifice
Ricky Schroder just uploaded a video sharing a childhood story about Satanic human sacrifice in Hollywood
Greg Reese Report - May 20, 2023 - Runtime: 5:41
The Cloward-Piven Strategy
One of several strategies currently being deployed against the American people
Greg Reese Report - May 17, 2023 - Runtime: 5:40
Too Big To Fail Banks Now Connected To Jeffrey Epstein Child Sex Trafficking
When the CBDCs come to supposedly save the day, remember that these banks are run by child rapists and human traffickers.
Greg Reese Report - May 13, 2023 - Runtime: 3:39
Government Workers Betray Constitutional Oath and Submit to United Nations Agenda
Human trafficking becomes normalized in the United States
Greg Reese Report - May 10, 2023 - Runtime: 5:49
Whether you like it or not the option to do nothing will soon be over
Greg Reese Report - May 06, 2023 - Runtime: 4:37
DC Court Obliterates US Bill of Rights
Proud Boys found guilty of Seditious Conspiracy
Greg Reese Report - May 03, 2023 - Runtime: 5:21
Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed
Big Pharma’s crimes against humanity continues on
Greg Reese Report - Apr 29, 2023 - Runtime: 6:14
RFK Jr and the CIA
The Kennedy family offensive against the criminal cabal known as the Central Intelligence Agency
Greg Reese Report - Apr 26, 2023 - Runtime: 5:31
The path to victory is achieved with an open heart
Greg Reese Report - Apr 21, 2023 - Runtime: 4:39
Washington To Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent As UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia
Laws now being passed to eradicate parental rights when it comes to gender reassignment surgery and drugs
Greg Reese Report - Apr 18, 2023 - Runtime: 6:36
The Peak Season Of Satanic Blood Sacrifice
Is Upon Us
The satanic ruling class celebrate their religious holidays with murder rituals
Greg Reese Report - Apr 12, 2023 - Runtime: 5:16
Three Catastrophic Wars To Complete
The Banker's Reset
While America is losing their proxy war against Russia, China and Iran are poised to attack
Greg Reese Report - Apr 08, 2023 - Runtime: 6:24
How The Banks Work And Why They Are Collapsing
The sordid history of the criminal banking cartel
Greg Reese Report - Apr 05, 2023 - Runtime: 6:16
American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month
There are no laws requiring informed consent for vaccine food
Greg Reese Report - Mar 31, 2023 - Runtime: 6:08
Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals
The official story of the Nashville shooting does not add up
Greg Reese Report - Mar 29, 2023 - Runtime: 5:42
NATO’s Dispersal of Depleted Uranium Throughout the World
NATO sending depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine
Greg Reese Report - Mar 23, 2023 - Runtime: 6:41
Inside the Economic Reset
The central bank has been public enemy number one in America since 1791
Greg Reese Report - Mar 17, 2023 - Runtime: 3:49
Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One
of CBDC This July
FedNow is the gateway to a Central Bank Digital Currency
Greg Reese Report - Mar 11, 2023 - Runtime: 4:12
The Banking Collapse Has Begun
Federal Reserve rate hikes are killing regional banks and the housing market
Greg Reese Report - Mar 08, 2023 - Runtime: 6:25
AGENDA 2030 – Dutch Farmers, Train Derailments, and EPA Land Grabs
The failing desperate race to execute the United Nations World Government Agenda
Greg Reese Report - Mar 01, 2023 - Runtime: 6:30
Safety Committees of the Revolution
Prior to 1776, American patriots lawfully nullified British rule
by creating their own parallel government
Greg Reese Report - Feb 24, 2023 - Runtime: 5:14
CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States
United Nations Agenda 21 warned us they would seize control of flyover country
Greg Reese Report - Feb 22, 2023 - Runtime: 5:49
An Act of Terror Against the American People
The Ohio train derailment appears to be a catastrophic attack against millions of American civilians
Greg Reese Report - Feb 17, 2023 - Runtime: 6:36
Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck
Deconstructing one of the dark occult’s most effective mind control tactics
Greg Reese Report - Feb 09, 2023 - Runtime: 6:27
The Covert Operation That Took Down The Nord Stream Pipeline
Pulitzer prize winning journalist, Seymour Hersh, recently published an article about the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines
Greg Reese Report - Feb 08, 2023 - Runtime: 5:59
The Fed Needs Another 9/11
Why would anyone think that the US government is enemies with the Communist Chinese?
Greg Reese Report - Feb 04, 2023 - Runtime: 4:45
European Central Bank Preparing for Bail Ins and Banking Collapse
European Central Bank contractor confirms bail ins are coming
Greg Reese Report - Feb 01, 2023 - Runtime: 6:14
Russia Recruits Americans as the United States
is Destroyed From Within
Russian mercenary group recruits US patriots to ‘defeat evil before it’s too late for everyone’
Greg Reese Report - Jan 28, 2023 - Runtime: 4:56
Imminent Cyber Attack for a New World Order
In order to build back better they must destroy the old system
Greg Reese Report - Jan 25, 2023 - Runtime: 5:17
CIA Funded Company To Resurrect Extinct Animals Under the Guise of Climate Change
Scientist priest class playing god and creating new living species
Greg Reese Report - Jan 21, 2023 - Runtime: 4:47
The Big Banks and the IMF Plan
on Stealing Your Money
The FDIC and the IMF will use Bail-Ins to pay for their debts
Greg Reese Report - Jan 20, 2023 - Runtime: 6:39
Gateway Process, the CIA, and Mankind’s Hidden Potential
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
Greg Reese Report - Jan 14, 2023 - Runtime: 6:24
Natural Law and the Post Apocalyptic World
The biggest secret and the only path towards true individual freedom
Greg Reese Report - Jan 12, 2023 - Runtime: 2:58
Lead Defense for Joe Biggs Says Ashli Babbitt’s Murder Was A Great Shot And He’s Glad She Died
The Lead Defense Attorney in the J6 Proud Boys trial says Ashli Babbitt deserved to die and that protesters were white trash pieces of sh*t
Greg Reese Report - Jan 10, 2023 - Runtime: 19:59
PROUD BOYS TRIAL: Jury Selection
Updates on the latest Jan 6 Kangaroo Court with Alicia Powe
Greg Reese Report - Jan 07, 2023 - Runtime: 5:22
Jan 6 Political Prisoners and the Inversion of Justice in America
Innocent Americans facing decades in prison for peaceful protest
Greg Reese Report - Jan 04, 2023 - Runtime: 6:32
DeFacto Satanism and the Great Work
The great work at WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com
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And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....