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The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party
Dinesh D'Souza - The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left -- [ ORDER THE BOOK ]
The Rubin Report: D'Souza Interview: Hillary's America:
The Secret History of the Democratic Party
(Dinesh D'Souza, the man the Obama/Clinton Administration imprisoned for writing books and making
videos exposing the truth about the Obama/Clinton Crime Machine - An actual 'Political Prisoner')
The Biggest 'Secret' about the Democrat Party is that it is NO SECRET...
- The party that preciptated and oversaw the mass genocide of the Native American peoples.
- The party that enacted and championed the 'Jim Crow' Laws (The Nazi's had actually sent a delegation to the U.S. to study for their 'final solution').
- The party that founded and supported it's para-military wing, the Ku Klux Klan (Now called Antifa, BLM, MS-13, etc.) and engaged in lynchings of black people throughout the South. (The recent attempted 'lynching' of Judge Kavenaugh and Kanye West comes to mind...)
Fox News Insider Videos Regarding Kanye West & the Democrats:
Candace Owens Rips Media's 'Absolutely Despicable' Coverage of Trump-Kanye Meeting
Steve Hilton: Trump’s triumphs explain the left’s over-the-top rants over Kanye
Caldwell: 'Completely Disturbed' by Backlash to Kanye's Trump Support
Poll Finds 80% of Americans, Including Minority Groups, Reject Political Correctness
PARTY OF EXPLOITATION: 5 phases of the Democratic plantation
Exclusive: Dinesh D'Souza on pols creating 'learned helplessness' among their 'captives'
Interview: Death of a Nation | Dinesh D'Souza and Stefan Molyneux
See the Movie Trailer: DEATH OF A NATION
Can we save America a second time?
Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him.Now the target of the Democrats is President Trump and his supporters. The Left calls them racists, white supremacists and fascists. These charges are used to justify driving Trump from office and discrediting the right "by any means necessary."...
In 2011, 2LT Scott Bennett, U.S. Army Special Operations Officer and Psychological Warfare Analyst, worked in the highest levels of counterterrorism, intelligence, and politics in Washington DC. He had been awarded a Direct Military Commission by the President of the United States, and was a leading writer and thinker at the State Department Counterterrorism Office, U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Special Operations Command, and the George W. Bush Administration.
And speaking of yet another one of the
Obama/Clinton/DNC Administration's political prisoners...
After discovering and exposing massive corruption within the Obama White House and military contractors, he was unlawfully imprisoned on trumped up charges by the Obama Administration. Why? In performance of his sworn military officer's oath, Bennett had filed intelligence analysis reports exposing illegal terrorist finance corruption and money-laundering operations involving the Clinton Foundation, the law firm Covington and Burling, the Department of Justice (Eric Holder, Lanny Breuer, Loretta Lynch, Kevin Downing), Saudi Arabia-Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood, US Central Command, and the international defense contractor, Booz Allen Hamilton.
Bennett was threatened, then imprisoned and tortured in a horrifying "Kafkaesque" sojourn; but with a renewed spiritual strength, and an unyielding tenacity and determination, Bennett eventually fought his way out and exposed the "domestic enemies" who had subverted the Constitution and betrayed the American people. With a new multi-dimensional awareness of his Oath as a military officer of the United States Armed Forces, aided by "military white hats", and with the best legal minds in America, Bennett continued to file whistleblowing reports to the military and Congress, from inside the federal prison on a mountain top in Pennsylvania; and terrorized the Obama Justice Department and Deep State. It was in the traumatic silence of jail and agony of isolation that 2LT Scott Bennett was able to synthesize his past work, contacts, experience and intelligence research to discover the real story behind Booz Allen Hamilton, the Carlyle Group, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and give the American people the truth they always suspected, but could never find. Now they can.
These reports were written on a typewriter and smuggled out of prison. Using intelligence materials provided to him by Wikileaks, Edward Snowden (fellow Booz Allen Hamilton colleague who left the United States after seeing what happened to Scott Bennett), and Swiss Bank Whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld, 2LT Bennett successfully reported one of the greatest examples of betrayal, incompetence, and government corruption against the American people, and their military men and women, in the history of Western Civilization.
The compilation of reports and letters to Congress, and synthesized intelligence materials (unclassified) is told in the book, "SHELL GAME", available here: [ BOOKS BY SCOTT BENNETT ]
Like a crucifix to a vampire, this is is the story every American can hold up to the face of politicians, challenge the lies and corruption that has been violating and bleeding them, and inspire a new generation of American leaders to arise.
It starts with this story, and it starts with you.
--Scott Bennett, Ph.D. (U.S. Army, retired)
"Blessed is the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to fight and my fingers to war." --Psalm 1:44
READ!--THE MEMO SENT TO PRESIDENT TRUMPSee a Video discussion of the book SHELL GAME: A Military Whistleblowing Report to the U.S. Congress Exposing the Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection to Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command. Project Camelot: Scott Bennett: CIA, Swiss Banks Fund ISIS
...And, Even Another Political Prisoner!...
Fusion GPS and the ‘Insurance Policy’ to Prevent Trump From Becoming President
A graphic showing the web of connections related to the Trump dossier
By Jasper Fakkert and Joshua Philipp for The Epoch Times
January 18, 2018 Updated: January 24, 2018
The Platform of Today's Democrat Party of Leftist Socialist Thugs:
- Impeach President Trump
- Beat Up and Intimidate His Family, Friends, and Supporters
- Coronate Their Evil Queen Hillary Clinton
- Recover Their Power and Enrich Themselves With Even More 'Pay-for-Play'
- Eliminate Free Speech & The Right To Bear Arms
- Raise Taxes & Increase Regulations Until Small Business Producers Choke to Death
- Enact More Trade Policies That Outsource More Industries & Jobs to China and Elsewhere
- Kill Small Businesses, Jobs, & the Recovering-Growing Economy
- Re-Shrink, and Then Eliminate the Middle Class
- Import Millions More Unassimilatable Migrants, Put Them All on Welfare and Turn Them Into Voting Citizens for the Socialist Democrats
- Abolish ICE & Open Our Borders to Even More Illegals, Criminals and Terrorist Cartels
- Allow Even More Dangerous Drugs and Weapons to be Smuggled into Our Country
- Further Destroy the Family & Make Gender Dysphoria the Norm for Our Children
- Make More Deals Supporting the Iranian Mullahs and Other Terrorist Islamist Enemies
- Rescind Our Bill of Rights & Replace Our Constitution with Sharia Law & Global Governance
- Continue to 'Stupify and Indoctrinate' the Young to Create Their Perfect 'Zombie Antifa Army' of the Future
- Make Everyone Equally Poor (Except of Course, them--'Our Elitist Overlords')
- Surrender our Sovereignty & Our Constitution to the Globalist-run United Nations
- Turn American Citizens into the New Class of American Slaves
- Over Sixty Million Abortions Since Row vs Wade - And Now It's On To 100 Million!...
(It Starts With The Babies -- Then The Old People -- Then Those Who Do Not 'Think Correctly'... (The 'Final Solution')...
Hitler, Germany and his Nazis had been attributed to the mass-murder of about six million Jews. Since 1973, we have had over 60,000,000+ (SIXTY MILLION) and counting--murders
of perfectly viable and previously living human babies here in America. In addition to this,
we have concrete evidence of the trafficing and sale of dead baby parts in a literal marketplace of human fetal tissue for profit by 'Planned Parenthood'...
Does this make us better than the Nazis?--or actually worse??...Abortion-linked judge keeps lid on undercover videos
Films part of series that already revealed Planned Parenthood's baby-body-parts-4-sale[ SEE THE ABORTION CLOCK COUNTING ]
(Now, which party is actually more like the Fascists/Nazis??... The Democrats?... or, The Republicans?...)
Paul Taylor for US Senate on California Sanctuary Policy & Public Safety
Benito Bernal for US House of Representatives (CA 29th District) on Passionate Patriots Club
President Trump Hosts California Sanctuary State Talk
California Fed Up by Lawless Democrat Party
The Communist Subversion of America | Diana West and Stefan Molyneux
A new investigation of the released historical records produces a book and here an 'eye-opening'
discussion of the long and deep-seated Marxist-Communist infiltrations of America until today.
"American Betrayal is America's lost history, a chronicle that pits Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight David Eisenhower, and other American icons who shielded overlapping Communist conspiracies against the investigators, politicians, defectors, and others (including Senator Joseph McCarthy) who tried to tell the American people the truth." "American Betrayal shatters the approved histories of an era that begins with FDR's first inauguration, when "happy days" are supposed to be here again, and ends when we "win" the Cold War. It is here, amid the rubble, where Diana West focuses on the World War II--Cold War deal with the devil in which America surrendered her principles in exchange for a series of Big Lies whose preservation soon became the basis of our leaders' own self-preservation. It was this moral surrender to deception and self-deception, West argues, that sent us down the long road to moral relativism, "political correctness," and other cultural ills that have left us unable to ask the hard questions." Diana West is a journalist and the author of “The Death of the Grown-Up: How America's Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western Civilization,” “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character” and “The Rebuttal: Defending 'American Betrayal' from the Book-Burners.”
Download: Current Communist Goals - 10 January 1963
Q - We Are The Plan
Storm Is Upon Us
Published on Oct 17, 2018
This is not fantasy. They just made us think it is. ALERT! Everything is a lie.
We were about to go down the toilet and then were miraculously saved
- all while we were focused on everything but what is the most
transformative event in living history.
Q: The Plan To Save The World
QAnon Drops
Actions Taking Place Against The Deep State
Your personal data is valuable. Companies are using iT for their gain.
See how the creepy line exposes those who are exposing you.
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God!...
Download: The Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrates - Romans 13 - Pastor Matthew Trewhella
The Tower of Treason & Power
Rampant Criminality & Sedition ...
While we were watching the right hand here’s what the left hand
was doing: Bush/Saudi/Obama Axis Hid Bin Laden In Iran
Download: Treason, Misprision of Treason, Rebellion or Insurrection,
• Corrupt CIA
The Legacy of Crime Left By The
Sedition Penalties Under US Code - 2018
A Violation of the Oath and Public Trust is a Violation of Law!
...And it needs to be treated as such...
The Evidence is all over out there...
So, what on Earth are we waiting for??...
(And this is just the very 'tip of the tower')
• Corrupt DOJ
• Corrupt FBI
• Corrupt IRS
• Etc, Etc, Etc...
Obama-Clinton-Bush Administrations
The Oath Should Mean Something!
Let's Put Some 'Teeth' Behind it!
'Public Service' has become more like 'Self Service'
to many of our representatives & public employees.
It's time we impose 'Public Service' back onto our
...'Public Servants'...
Let's Fix It...
And This Time...
(More about this later)
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QAnon Drops
Actions Taking Place Against The Deep State
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And God Save The USA!
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