This is the only way we can
We Must ALL LIVE on this same Planet
Together, so therefore, we must All Strive
to Promote Peace and Understanding
wherever possible between Nations,
Peoples, Cultures and Religions.
We must choose NEGOTIATIONS
and Trade over Warfare anywhere
there is conflict and suffering
in Our Own Home World.
'de-fang' the perpetual
Globalist Corporate
Criminal Cartel
'War Machine'!
These are short 'mini-documentaries' that are brief,
concise, hard-hitting, and right to the point!Jon Bowne is a multi-platform journalist striving for liberty and freedom for all with his peerless reports that shatter the propaganda of the New World Order.
[ Jon Bowne Reports on Banned.Video ]
Ukrainian Dictator Zelensky recently threw the Biden Administration under the bus. He claims he doesn't know where at least $100 Billion went. The ties to Ukraine through USAID are numerous. Is Ukraine the first rock to turn over when it comes to the USAID money laundering operation?
The Clinton Foundation's nebulous ties to USAID and the State Department will now come under major scrutiny as to where all the money for the 2010 Earthquake ravaged Haiti went. President Trump's decimation of USAID and the future investigation into the receipts must have the Clinton's in a full blown panic.
Now that Trump has unleashed Elon Musk into the Treasury Department to find the receipts, what was untouchable is now Exhibit A. Victoria Nuland, a U.S. Ambassador with the full weight of the CIA and all of its assets behind her engaged in statecraft that has cost countless lives and fiat dollars.
The Democrats are coming out in full force to protect their cash cow. The global money laundering operation has been hidden in plain sight. USAID has funded a myriad of ventures. But perhaps the worst was the funding of military medical research in China designed to destroy ourselves.
Reread Albert Pike's vision for the illuminated ones. A hellish future where ideologies rip each other apart. This is the nightmare vision that the elites are still clawing for.
The fact that George Soros was awarded the Medal of Freedom (Treason) is not lost on America. Soros has systematically broken our Country down from every angle with unrelenting Cultural and Political warfare. Biden's arrogance and disdain for America is the very reason this awful event occurred.
The left's playbook must be read. Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals must be understood. Know thy enemy better than they know themselves.
Shamsud-din Jabbar, 42, Texas-born and apparently bent on inscribing his name in the book of American nightmares. Replete with body armor, a tactical helmet, military gear, a stolen Glock allegedly from New Jersey and a .308 that's seen better days, all decorated with some kind of pink substance that'll keep the forensics boys scratching their heads for months.The rented truck (spotted Tuesday) came bearing Texas plates and at least one IED device in the ice chest to make the situation considerably worse – if you can imagine anything worse than 10 dead and 35 wounded in America's most musical city. The steel barriers were down, which is about as useful as a lead life jacket when you're dealing with this kind of determination. As the elderly Chief Of Police, complained that they had no way of blocking the attack because he drove on the sidewalk...and only a terrorist would do that. Not a city full of drunks.
The FBI, who had initially claimed it wasn't a terrorist attack, changed course immediately and is now actively searching for 4 to 5 accomplices. The black flag of ISIS made an appearance, like some kind of sick party favor. Jabbar had apparently crossed at Eagle Pass back in November – a detail that'll have the border hawks circling for months, screaming "I told you so" into the void of cable news.
We're left with a question that nobody wants to ask: What kind of country produces its own nightmares and imports them at the same time?
In what could only be described as a fever dream cooked up by mad scientists with too much Gates money burning holes in their lab coats.
The New England Journal of Medicine, actually published this twisted madness: describing how researchers in the Netherlands were unleashing armies of genetically mutated mosquitos on human guinea pigs, all in the name of fighting malaria.They dubbed it GA2 - a Frankenstein's monster of a parasite engineered to lurk in human liver cells for six days before shutting down like a cheap Vegas slot machine. Its predecessor, GA1, had been a 24-hour flash in the pan.
The methodology read like a script rejected from a B-grade horror film: "Stage A - subject volunteers to be swarmed by 15 to 50 infected mosquitos." Stage B was even more deranged - random selection for either 50 mutant-carrying mosquitos or, if you drew the lucky straw, just regular old blood-sucking insects. A placebo by way of proboscis.
But here's where it gets seriously twisted: 20% of the poor bastards showed signs of heart damage, which the researchers dismissed with the kind of casual wave you'd expect from the spawn of Operation Paperclip. "Unrelated to the trial intervention," they claimed, offering no explanation beyond a cryptic smile and a stack of Gates Foundation receipts - $2,287,871 worth of them, to be exact.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, one of the few voices of sanity in this pharmaceutical circus, called it what it was: "A serious safety signal that cannot be ignored." But in the current climate of medical McCarthyism, where dissent equals deletion, his warnings might as well have been whispered into a hurricane.
The whole thing carries a stench of something darker than mere scientific advancement - a brave new world where vaccines come not in syringes but on the wings of millions of engineered insects, turning the entire planet into an involuntary clinical trial. Welcome to the future, where consent is as obsolete as last year's pandemic response playbook.
As the mysterious drones blanket the northeast. While fears of radiation poisoning increases. We revisit the known issues with 5G radiation and supposed technology.
We must get to the bottom of the massive genocide waged by Big Pharma and the war on Americans from within.
The Digital ID system is a road map for foreign hackers.
It will take your privacy and weaponize it.
While Congress scurries about bickering over a dude in a dress taking a leak in the women's bathroom. And the Democrat's stick their fingers in their ears as President Elect Trump prepares his cabinet to enact sweeping reforms in the marble halls of the District Of Criminals. Still, what should be a scramble and a massive roar by those with the power to protect humanity, continues to be a whimper.Meanwhile, lame Duck NWO minion White House freeloader Joe Biden, during the final moments of the worst Presidency in American history, has set into motion WW3 without Congressional approval in a last ditch effort to avoid the reckoning that is coming for his family, his cronies, and himself. An immediate impeachable offense Biden may or may not be well aware of.
Russia is now openly warning that this attack could mark the start of World War III, threatening to retaliate with weapons of mass destruction against Ukraine and NATO facilities, regardless of their location.
While, as of this report, at least 6-8 ATACMS have been fired into Russia's Bryansk region yesterday. With the majority of them being intercepted. With roughly 40 being fired overall. While Great Britain's Storm Shadow and SCALP Missiles have been reigning down on Russia since 2023.
Russia's nuclear doctrine now includes scenarios where an attack from a non-nuclear state, if backed by a nuclear power, could be treated as a joint assault on Russia. This means that if a country not possessing nuclear weapons attacks Russia with conventional means, but with support from a nuclear-armed ally, Russia might consider this as grounds for nuclear retaliation.
The Danish Navy has confirmed that it is investigating the cutting of two undersea communication cables in the Baltic Sea, with a Chinese cargo ship, Yi Peng 3, suspected of being involved. According to reports in Eurasia Daily and Defence24, the Danish Navy has boarded and detained the Chinese Bulk Carrier Yi Peng 3 in the Danish Straits, near the exit of the Great Belt.
The Mockingbird media has ignored all of the warning signs. North Korea blew up the roads to South Korea. President Xi has been shouting War from the rooftops for months. Russia's update of its nuclear doctrine.
We need emergency hearings today. Right now. 5 minutes ago. The Constitution is being muzzled by an incapacitated President that the 25th Amendment was written for. And Vice President Kamala Harris has colluded in this breach of the power of the Executive Office. These puppets aren’t even speaking to the Russians on a cold hotline that hasn’t been used in at least two years.
Call your Congressman or Senator and tell them to wake the hell up at (202) 224-3121. Tell them that you want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris immediately impeached under the 25th Amendment for their collaboration in starting Global Thermonuclear War without Congressional approval.
The road to nuclear war has been a long one. And here we are, right on the edge of the cliff staring into the abyss. The United States has been infiltrated with the aid of its own power structure. And as the deep state has been backed into a corner, it has decided to pull the pin on the future of humanity. The problem is no one wants to listen.
It all really comes down to Good Versus Evil.
George Soros may have infiltrated America and sabotaged our body politic.
But he cannot escape the truth.
No other news source told it to you straight. We are suffocating under tyranny. The only way out of this is to face the truth.
The world is on a razor's age. All due in large part to the hidden saboteurs
of our short time on this Globe.
A compendium of the psyops being perpetrated on humanity.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, is an Introduction Programming Manual that was uncovered accidentally in 1986 by an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. who bought an IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale. Inside that copier were the details of a plan which called for control of the populous utilizing a manipulation of society via traditional pastimes, the educational system and political beliefs. An Operations Research manual that served as a technical declaration of a domestic war upon humanity.It’s origins come from The Harvard Economic Research Project (1948-), a creation of World War II Operations Research. Its aim was to control an economy beginning with the American economy, and then the global economy. It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be useful for totally controlling society. But more efficient computers utilizing analysis and automation correlating massive amounts of constantly changing data were necessary in order to Social engineer the unsuspecting population in order to race ahead of the targeted society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation. At the time relay computers were to slow, but the electronic computer would change everything.
Why is CNN still on the Air? When they have no audience and a failed streaming attempt. And yet Infowars and Alex Jones who have millions of daily listeners and viewers are silenced?
Biden has worked his entire career behind the scenes to promote the NWO to the monstrosity it is today. The initiatives are now breaking through our Constitutional defenses by design.
The Democrat evil is like a tumor that is finally killing our Country from within. America has tolerated it. But that apathy will be our end if we don't act.
They have been exposed and we have been continuously gaslit. But now everyone is wide awake and the gloves have come off. We are ringside for an epic battle between Good VS. Evil.
This may be all the proof that you need that the World Economic Forum Climate Change hysteria is a giant scam. Oxfam International, a British led confederation of 21 independent NGOs reported that World Bank bureaucrats have misplaced between $24 billion to $41 billion in funds intended for climate change efforts.The misplaced funds were attributed to poor record-keeping practices and an odd accounting practice by the bank. The audit highlighted a lack of traceable spending over the past seven years. A World Bank insider suggested that the amount of missing money could be much “could be twice or 10 times more.” And Climate Change hysteria is now having devastating effects of the natural world as well. Something the Globalists claim to be desperately protecting. Meanwhile, corrupt and compromised lame duck President Joe Biden has allocated at least $113.4 Billion to Ukraine while the Hurricane Helene ravaged Appalachians are essentially left to fend for themselves.
To add insult to highway robbery, Ukrainian refugees are eligible for our failing Social Security benefits, health care, food stamps, and medicare insurance. And if the Biden regime hadn't fleeced us enough already, A new report from the U.S. House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Committee highlights the Biden-Harris administration's mishandling of COVID communications and the remarkable abuses. The report reveals unbelievable inaccuracies in 2021 from the administration's communications team and the CDC, as well as the National Institutes of Health. The NIH spent nearly $1 billion of taxpayer money on misleading guidance, causing unimaginable harm. The administration's public health guidance led to prolonged closures of schools and businesses, while overpromising the COVID-19 vaccines' capabilities and emphasizing the virus's risk to children and young adults, resulting in a loss of trust in the public health system. The investigation also uncovered the allocation of public funding to Big Tech companies for monitoring Americans, highlighting the need for stronger online data privacy protections. This is a clear indication of the propaganda monstrosity that the Federal Government and its Intelligence apparatus has become since the Obama years brought us the Smith Mundt Modernization Act.
As Matt Taibbi reported at The recent Gallup Trust in Media Survey has set an alarming benchmark for the journalism industry, revealing that trust in the media has plummeted to the point where it is now on par with the public's historically low trust in the legislative branch, specifically Congress. Only 32% of Americans express having "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust in mass media, like newspapers, TV, and radio, for delivering news that is fully, accurately, and fairly reported. This figure ties the lowest recorded trust since Gallup began tracking in 1972, with a staggering 68% of respondents indicating they have "not very much" or "none at all" trust, showcasing a deep-seated skepticism towards media integrity that now rivals the disdain for Congress.This unprecedented drop in trust is particularly marked by a significant decline among Democrats, previously a more trusting demographic of media, which suggests that the erosion of confidence is not just a partisan issue but a broader societal shift. The media's credibility crisis now extends beyond its traditional critics, indicating that even those who might have been expected to defend or support media institutions are increasingly disillusioned. This survey not only highlights a crisis of faith in journalism's ability to report objectively but also underscores a fundamental challenge to the media's role in democracy, where public trust is pivotal for effective communication and governance.
The AI onslaught is very real and the powers that be are going to use it like a tsunami of digital tyranny against us.
They are our mortal enemies. Again, they are our mortal enemies. It is your mortality that they want to end. It is they that must be put to an end.
False Flags are the glue that keeps tyranny operating. And now we face a critical juncture where the NWO must use its last card, the False Flag, to continue their mayhem.
The wisdom of Alan Watts and Aaron Russo reveals a cogent explanation of the New World Order. From its mechanisms within the banking cartels to their aims. Please share with those just now waking up to the truth about what is happening to their liberties in broad daylight.
Alex Jones, George Humphrey, Rob Dew, and others warned us of the exact moment we are in today. We are at the crossroads that were paved by the globalists. Their last card to defeat liberty is now being played. We are not out of the woods yet.
Joe Biden refers to the first-hand accounts of Hurricane Helene
survivors as 'lies'.
A President like Teddy Roosevelt would personally investigate the truth, but now weak Globalist sycophants attack any narrative they cannot control. Joe Biden in all of his hubris riddled imprudence is targeting the very people FEMA claims it is saving. And so now the Federal Government is allegedly beginning to utilize its resources to label rescuers as domestic terrorists. The situation requires immediate leadership and finesse potentially morphing the devastation in the heartland into J6 on steroids.The U.S. military has updated DoD Directive 5240.01 to allow the use of lethal force in domestic operations under specific conditions, particularly in assisting civil law enforcement during national security emergencies, potentially including civil disturbances. The 2024 version of the directive repealed previous versions and significantly expands the military's role in domestic operations, raising concerns about its use during potential civil unrest surrounding the election. The updated directive allows Defense Intelligence Components to provide personnel to assist law enforcement agencies and civil authorities with lethal force in situations likely to result in death or serious bodily injury, including confrontations with civilian individuals or groups. However, the U.S. military is generally prohibited from engaging domestically with the citizenry, except in cases and circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, as per the Posse Comitatus Act, 18 U.S. Code § 1385. The updated directive and the potential use of lethal force in domestic operations have raised significant concerns and questions about civil liberties and the military's role in domestic affairs, particularly in the context of the upcoming elections.
It's one big gay club and you ain't in it. The most powerful men in America have been gathering for years to enjoy one another's company in the cursed forest in the California Redwoods for decades. Reveling in their sick occultic power infecting the soul of America.
Give this video to those of us that are still asleep. The alarm is ringing. It is time to awaken. This report will inform those of us that have not yet grasped what we are confronting as free human beings.
Tim Walz maybe the last stop on the Democrats UN Small Arms Treaty Agenda train to nowhere. The Democrats have come after the 2nd Amendment with every tool in the toolbox. And with the minor small victories they have ultimately failed time and time again.
The multi billion dollar child trafficking network with the U.S. Government is no longer an open secret. It is a known criminal enterprise. Exposed in the documentary This is treason at this is Share this documentary to free the millions of children praying for help right now.
America is under a blitzkrieg level attack from within while America sleeps. Dreaming of a Presidential election that may not even come to pass. As the CCP and the United Nations work in lockstep under the banner of the New World Order to collapse western civilization before the citizens of the free world regain power. Meanwhile Nuclear World War metastasizes while the NWO actor puppet Dictator Zelensky joins his fellow Democrat money laundering psychopaths to push Russian President Putin into a nuclear corner. The global elites want a World War and they want it now. There is no clearer path for Global domination and an escape hatch from the crimes these minions of anti humanity must be held accountable for.
If the globalists can't recruit you, they will try to destroy you. But ultimately they are sloppy and weak. The psyop is caving in on itself. Humanity is done.
Deep state informants are everywhere and Tech Billionaire Peter Theil is no exception. So his stammering answer to Joe Rogan's questioning recently was of interest. And though it may have provided very little insight into the deep state. By mentioning the Church Committee hearings, Theil opened an Infowars can of worms on a brief history of the CIA's MK Ultra program. Theil obviously knows more than he is willing to admit. So a summary for those unaware of the dark history of the CIA seemed appropriate.
The perfect storm of the globalists war on humanity is quietly reducing human fertility. As the globalists wreak havoc on energy with its climate change cult, humans are slowly disappearing. We are in the fast lane to extinction and our priorities must change immediately. The clock is ticking.
They are waiting in the wings. A global onslaught of Anti Fascist minions ready to cause mayhem in another grand phase of the Soros subversion of the world. Their numbers have grown. Their political allies have reached a higher plateau. The Soros fueled Antifa onslaught is inevitable.
She has a horrible track record. She speaks in circles. She can't lockdown who she is and where she stands on the Democrat's Marxist policies. She won't do interviews. She won't debate Donald Trump. As the world enters the brink of total destruction due to Globalist subversion, only a complete idiot would support Kamala Harris to run their lives for the next four years.
America was once a rock of morality. Yes we had a slew of cultural problems. But overall, Americans respected the moral and ethical livelihood of their fellow citizens.The rot from the CIA media industrial complex, social media, and the internet have removed the soul of our nation. Now, the demons of this slow moving movement are coming for Christianity itself. We are in a full fledged battle between Good and Evil. Choose your side.
The CIA will do whatever it takes to undermine the United States and it's citizens. JFK was butchered in Dallas for a reason. He wanted to end the treasonous organization.
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