This is the only way we can
We Must ALL LIVE on this same Planet
Together, so therefore, we must All Strive
to Promote Peace and Understanding
wherever possible between Nations,
Peoples, Cultures and Religions.
We must choose NEGOTIATIONS
and Trade over Warfare anywhere
there is conflict and suffering
in Our Own Home World.
'de-fang' the perpetual
Globalist Corporate
Criminal Cartel
'War Machine'!
[ The Other Manipulation for Global Armageddon: The US, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Iran, and The Genocidal Wars of Religious Conquest ! ]
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[ The Global Beast Slave System ]
[ The Planned Financial Collapse ]
[ The Global Depopulation Agenda ]
[ The Fall of the Cabal ]
[ Government Sponsored & Facilitated Terror ]
[ Border Crimes & Replacement Migration ]
[ Government Planned Police State ]
[ The Intentional Geoengineering of a Planetary-wide Biosphere Collapse of the Earth's Ability to Grow Food and Sustain Life ]
In this stunning interview, Jeffrey Sachs discusses topics such as the malfeasence of the Biden Administration and how very close we are to World War 3 despite the fact that we should be living in a golden age.
Mainstream Western media previously wrote several puff pieces on Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its US-designated terror leader Abu Mohammad al-Jolani in the wake of Assad’s ouster, but now that same media is completely ignoring the atrocities taking place under Jolani’s watch.
The 'fruits' of the US-Israeli financed and supported islamo-fascist terrorist organizations contracted to destabilize and overthrow the Syrian government and collapse another country...
January 12th, 2025 - Article by Zero Hedge
Mainstream Media Ignoring
Ethno-Religious Genocide
Under Syria’s New RulersVarious armed allied groups of HTS are rampaging
through the central and northern countryside,
attacking Christians and Alawites.
Various armed allied groups of HTS are rampaging through the central and northern countryside, attacking Christians and Alawites, in a developing ethno-religious genocide. It has only been one month since Assad was overthrown.
Initially HTS and other factions, which includes foreign groups such as Chechens and Uyghurs, rounded up individuals and tortured or executed them under the guise that they were former “Assad regime agents”.
Now, according to regional reports, the jihadists are dropping even this pretense and are simply taking over Alawite villages. Serious problems and threats are also being reported in the historic ‘Valley of the Christians’ (or Wadi al-Nasara, which lies in Western Syria in Homs governate).
Is 'The Book of Genesis' to ultimately become
'The Book of (Global Thermo-Nuclear) Genocide'?
December 13th, 2024 - Article by Patrick Delaney - LifeSiteNews According to a thorough investigation of Israel’s current offensive against the occupied Gaza Strip, including its attacks of “unprecedented magnitude, scale and duration” along with a detailed analysis of the intent driving the nation’s leaders, Amnesty International has demonstrated and concluded that Israel is committing the abominable crime of genocide against the Palestinian people. [ READ MORE ]
Genocide ‘Only Reasonable Conclusion’ to Israel’s Crimes in Gaza:
Amnesty InternationalAccording to prominent human rights group Amnesty International, the evidence is conclusive that the ‘hell and destruction’ inflicted on Gaza by Israel fulfills the criteria for the international crime of genocide.
On Sunday the Israeli military bombed a United Nations-run school in southern Gaza where Palestinians who were displaced from their homes were sheltering, according to Al Jazeera on Monday. At least 20 fatalities have been reported from the attack.
December 18th, 2024 - Article by Sean Miller
Israel Bombs School in Gaza Where Displaced Palestinians Were ShelteringSunday's attack has not been the first of its kind for Israel, causing some to label Israel's military activities
as an ongoing genocide.
“Civilians were hit as they were sleeping, including women and children. They were not warned by the Israeli military before the attack,” Al Jazeera correspondent Tareq Abu Azzoum said.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States has spent a record of at least $17.9 billion on military aid to Israel since the war in Gaza began and led to escalating conflict around the Middle East, according to a report for Brown University’s Costs of War project, released Monday on the anniversary of Hamas’ attacks on Israel. [ READ MORE ]
October 7th, 2024 - Article by Knickmeyer - APN News
US spends a record $17.9 billion on military aid to Israel since last Oct. 7
[ ]
in the top 20 and by far the largest in the United States, and you can see how this translates into the vast majority of military weapons and supplies to feed the Middle Eastern conflicts which directly negatively impacts the safety and security of the U.S. homeland as being identified as athe primary accomplice to Israeli war crimes.
The United States is far and away the largest weapons supplier to Israel, which risks charges of complicity with genocide as a March report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute revealed that from 2019-2023 the “USA accounted for 69% and Germany for 30% of Israeli arms imports.” “Our damning findings must serve as a wake-up call to the international community: this is genocide. It must stop now!"“States that continue to transfer arms to Israel at this time must know they are violating their obligation to prevent genocide and are at risk of becoming complicit in genocide. All states with influence over Israel, particularly key arms suppliers like the USA and Germany, but also other EU member states, the UK and others, must act now to bring Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza to an immediate end.”
>As much of the world charges Israel with committing crimes of genocide against the Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza, visual evidence of Israeli “extreme brutality and torture, violence, [and] utter disrespect for human life” has been celebrated by soldiers on the ground in their personal videos and uploaded for social media consumption, according to a report by Al Jazeera. [ READ MORE ]
March 19th, 2024 - Article by Patrick Delaney - LifeSiteNews
Israeli soldiers celebrate the ‘torturing, humiliating, and mocking’ of Palestinians on social media
'There has been a remarkable number of videos posted by Israeli soldiers on social media... torturing, humiliating, and mocking detained Palestinian prisoners,' summarized by Democracy for the Arab World Now's
Sarah Leah Whitson.
For months, Israeli soldiers in Gaza have been documenting their own war crimes against Palestinians and sharing them on social media.
The Listening Post collected and reviewed hundreds of items. We asked three experts on human rights and torture to examine the material.-
The recent terror attack on Israel by Hamas is a senseless tragedy that we can already see is going to have lasting repercussions on world affairs, especially in the Middle East. Why, then, did the United States and Israel itself create Hamas back in the 1970s?
Before Hamas was what it is today, it was just a fringe group of Palestinian Muslims with no real power. Today, Hamas rules Gaza with an iron fist, and all because of the U.S. and Israel, according to former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul.Former Israeli officials like Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who served in the Israeli military in the 1980s, fully admit to this. Segev told a New York Times reporter that he helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a "counterweight" to the secularists and leftists of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, which was led by Yasser Arafat.
Arafat himself famously referred to Hamas as "a creature of Israel," and Segev agrees, having taken money from the Israeli government to create this terrorist group in the first place.
"The Israeli government gave me a budget," Segev confessed about what happened. "And the military government gives to the mosques."
Former Israeli religious affairs official Avner Cohen, who worked in Gaza for more than 20 years, told the Wall Street Journal back in 2009 that he, too, played a direct role in the creation of Hamas.
"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," Cohen is quoted as saying.
The criminal, cowardly attack by the Hamas terrorist organization against innocent Israeli citizens WAS NOT an 'intelligence failure' -- and then a 'security failure' by one of the most sophisticated intelligence and security apparatus' of the World as they had claimed (just like America's 9/11), but a planned joint intelligence operation by the CIA and Mossad and a 'security 'standown' (for a full 7 hours!) in order to spark a mass slaughter of civilians to draw RUSSIA and IRAN into World War III as Israel announces plans to mass slaughter an entire ethnic group, and push them out of Gaza as a massive 'land-grab'. Hamas was a creation of the Israeli intelligence services with the assistance of U.S. intelligence services and funded through the U.S. State Department to create a counter-balance to sow conflict between the Palestinians of Yasser Arafat's Fatah Party in the West Bank and the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip to keep them divided and in competition with each other. The intention is to start World War to distract and hide the fact that more and more people are beginning to die in larger and larger numbers due to the experimental gene-altering fake "vaccine' bio-nano-tech-weapon-depopulation shots, the western government's criminal mass looting of the public treasuries, and of the purposeful impending collapse of the monetary and financial systems, and the economies of the West to bring about a CBDC currency and
'The Great Reset'.
Take a look at some of the disgusting rhetoric being spread as the world grows more divided
Tensions between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine individuals across the globe have increased this week due to the recent gruesome terror attack by Hamas and the Israeli military’s decision to respond by bombarding Gaza.Videos and pictures of Hamas’ violent murders of innocent civilians as well as videos and photos of scores of dead civilian Palestinian men, women and children being pulled from piles of rubble, are understandably infuriating people on both sides of the conflict as well as those who are impartial.
From America to Europe and elsewhere, protests in support of both Israel and Palestine are taking place across the world.
Sadly, instead of debating ways to achieve peace or pushing back against escalation with their signs and slogans, many demonstrators backing both groups are spewing extremely hateful and genocidal rhetoric.
The divisive and violent rhetoric also backfires as it only makes the opposing side more solidified in their mindsets.
In Tel Aviv, Israel, banners reading, “Genocide Gaza,” and “Victory looks like zero people in Gaza,” were recently hung from a freeway overpass.
Over 1,000 rockets and missiles began attacking Israel at dawn on Saturday October 7th, with now more than 1,000 Israeli citizens, including 14 Americans, having lost their lives. On Saturday alone, over 260 Israeli young people attending a weekend music festival on the southern Israel border next to Gaza were attacked and murdered by Hamas paragliding in to the area with guns blazing, joined by more terrorists in open jeeps firing automatic weapons at the frantic, defenseless crowd attempting to escape on foot and cars.As of Tuesday October 10th, 130 Israeli civilian hostages, including the elderly, women and children, are believed trapped somewhere in Gaza by the Hamas militia. In retaliation to the Hamas invasion, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared war against Gaza and his Israeli Defense Forces have counter-launched nonstop, unannounced airstrikes bombing the Gaza strip into oblivion, with at least 850 and rising Palestinians reported dead so far. The Hamas militia claims that with each Israeli airstrike not given any warning, an Israeli hostage will be killed.
As a result of this officially declared war, Israel currently has 100,000 troops assembled with many tanks assembled at the Israeli-Gaza border waiting for the greenlight the imminent ground invasion. The Israeli hostage situation holds them back. Meanwhile, the Jewish State is mobilizing 360,000 more reservists for immediate callup for deployment, delivering Netanyahu’s promised revenge of yet more unrestrained genocide against Palestinians, the original ancient inhabitants of Palestine that’s been stolen, chipped away and annexed into the always expanding Greater Israel Project.
Gaza is now totally under siege, with Israel cutting off all water, electricity, fuel, food and lifesaving medicine, clear violation of the Geneva Convention committing inhumane maltreatment crimes against innocent wartime civilians. The media attention focusing on the horror of civilian victims on both sides provides ample cause for blaming both Hamas and Israeli government with war crime atrocities that even the UN admits. In just four says more than 260,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are displaced war refugees, bombarded by constant and relentless land, air and sea assaults with zero regard for the life of innocent civilians.
CALL IT "ZIO-FASCISM"It is NOT "anti-semitic" to criticize the Israeli Government for their actions when they accuse
their critics of "anti-semitism" any more than criticism of the U.S. government makes one
"anti-American". Just know that they simply use this as a 'sheild' to hide and disparage
anyone who disagrees with their genocidal policies against the Palestinian People.PALESTINIANS DESERVE TO HAVE THEIR OWN NATIONAL HOMELAND AND TO LIVE IN PEACE AND FREEDOM just like that of US Americans and those of every other nation on this Earth.
THE FORMULA: Act as the aggressor subjugating and exterminating 'inconvenient' populations of people stealing their land while playing at perpetual victimhood from a historical holocaust while instituting a 'new holocaust' and genocidal war crimes against innocent people.
The eugenists see the public as human lab rats.
Alex Jones analyzes a video of Bill Gates and Benjamin Netanyahu admitting that they’re experimenting on the public.
The Deep State has a record of funding terror groups to come in as heroes
when the bad actors commit attacks
Owen Shroyer hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down a video clip of Rand Paul exposing how the US has been funding terrorist networks for years so its puppetmasters in the military-industrial complex never run out of conflicts to fill their pockets.
The globalists are flooding America with people from around the world ahead of their next big move in hopes of collapsing the entire country.-In New York City, they are tossing U.S. war veterans into the street to house the invading hordes.
In Chicago, the locals have finally had enough from their Democrat overlords.
It is these blue city stronghold voices. Not the voices of the majority of America that temporarily moved the Biden Administration to finally halt the UN planned invasion into America. Meaning that it will continue if and when Biden is re-elected.
Meanwhile the carnage of pure chaos streams across our border. As yet another bus crash kills 18 migrants. Unchecked disease embeds itself into the heartland. As Tuberculosis skyrockets. Drugs flood in like a tsunami.
And the child trafficking network of drugged children used as cover for a myriad of criminal enterprises is totally neglected by the mockingbird media.
While thousands of possible terrorists flood into cities across America funded by the United Nations to sit and wait. Wait for what?
America, prepare for U.S. terror attacks. The writing is on the wall.
Al Jazeera investigates the shocking truth behind the deadly Israeli attack on a US naval vessel. In 1967, at the height of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force launched a purposely unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, a US Navy intelligence ship that was monitoring the conflict from the supposed safety of international waters off shore in the Mediterranean Sea.
Israeli jet fighters hit the vessel with rockets, cannon fire and napalm, before three Israeli torpedo boats moved in to launch a second more devastating attack. Though she did not sink, the Liberty was badly damaged. Thirty-four US servicemen and civilian analysts were killed, another 171 were wounded.Later Israel apologized for what it claimed to be a tragic case of mistaken identity. It said that it had believed the ship to be hostile Egyptian naval vessel. US President Lyndon Johnson was privately furious but publicly the White House chose not to challenge the word of its closest Middle East ally and accepted that the attack had been a catastrophic accident.
However, as this exclusive Al Jazeera investigation reveals, fresh evidence throws new light on exactly what happened that fateful day – and the remarkable cover up that followed.
The shocking attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats during the 1967 Six-Day War left 34 U.S. sailors dead and 171 wounded – many with life-changing injuries.
December 18th, 2024 - Article by Frank Wright - LifesiteNews
USS Liberty Survivor to Candace Owens: Israeli Attack Was ‘False Flag’ to Drag
the US Into WarCandace Owens is not merely revisiting a historical tragedy. The lesson her interview brings is that the enormous influence of the Israel lobby over the U.S. government means that Americans can die as a result of the actions of Israel.
ote from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: Revealed in the Candace Owens program reported below is what that all Americans need to know, especially given the enormous developments in the Middle East over the past year. The horrific 1967 Israeli attack against the USS Liberty makes it clear that Israel was not then, still is not now, and never has been America’s “closest ally.” Still, it has been heavily dependent on unconditional, unlimited military and financial support from the US for its ongoing expansionist wars.
Candace Owens conducted an interview with one of the last remaining survivors to ask why, after almost 60 years, there has been no congressional investigation into this deliberate attack by the supposed “greatest ally of the United States” – which Israel impossibly claims was a case of “mistaken identity.”
Dive deep into the history of the USS Liberty in this eye-opening documentary. Uncover the real story behind the government's involvement, as we analyze the timeline of events, talk to the survivors, and reveal shocking details.
Join us on this journey to expose the truth and bring justice
to those affected by this tragic event.
A 23-year-old video clip of Infowars founder Alex Jones exposing the Israeli government’s role in the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty has resurfaced after conservative commentator Candace Owens exposed the controversial assault earlier this week.
December 13th, 2024 - Article by Kelen McBreen -
Watch: Alex Jones Exposed Israel’s 1960s Attack On USS Liberty One Day After 9/11Infowars host also claimed Israel would plunge humanity into nuclear war by escalating Middle East tensions.
Broadcasting just one day after the 9/11 attacks, which he predicted would take place and be blamed on CIA boogeyman Osama bin Laden, Jones called former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a “Nazi” for invading the West Bank and slaughtering innocent people.
(Against a democratically elected government - just like in Ukraine)
While revealing new details about the CIA rescue mission that inspired the Ben Affleck film Argo, the agency has for the first time acknowledged that the 1953 coup it backed in Iran was ‘undemocratic’.
The admission came in a recent episode of the CIA’s podcast, The Langley Files, released about a month before the unprecedented Hamas attack on Israel last weekend.The 1953 coup, backed by US and British intelligence and carried out by Iran’s military, saw the overthrow of Iran’s elected prime minister and cemented the monarchical rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
It comes at a time of soaring tensions between Washington and Tehran, over the Islamic Republic’s rapidly advancing nuclear program, its aid to terror groups including Hamas, and its domestic crackdown on dissent.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor is a retired combat veteran who served as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense under President Trump. On April 3, 2024.Col. Macgregor and Judge Andrew Napolitano lay out the desperate tactics of the Israeli government to embroil the US into its regional war. Israel's lethal attack on Iran's embassy complex in Syria was intended to provoke a retaliation from Iran.
My first reaction to news earlier this month that the Syrian government had been overthrown was, how much did we have to do with it; how involved was the CIA; and how much is it going to cost. As with Saddam and Gaddafi before him, we know that Assad was no libertarian hero. But unleashing an army dedicated to establishing an Islamic state in once-secular Syria hardly seems like a good idea to me.
December 18th, 2024 - Article by Ron Paul
What Are We Doing in Syria?This is not our fight and every single thing we have done there for the past 75 or so years has only made things worse.
As with President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” moment after Saddam’s overthrow, getting rid of Assad will prove to be the easy part. Rebuilding Syrian society after the destruction of the country will cost billions and will likely be about as successful as our “liberation” of Libya, which is still a failed, terrorist-dominated state more than a decade later.
This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that following the fall of Bashar Assad, the 1974 separation of forces agreement between his country and Damascus is “no longer valid.” This deal, brokered by the United Nations, prohibited military deployments in the buffer zone of the Golan Heights, a region legally recognized as Syrian territory but occupied by the Jewish state since 1967. [ READ MORE ]
December 10th, 2024 - Article by Nadezhda Romanenko - RT
US Hypocrisy Reaches New Level: Israel’s Occupation of Syria is ‘Security,’ Russia’s Moves in Ukraine are ‘Aggression’Netanyahu’s reasoning for his latest land grab lays bare the stark hypocrisy of his Western supporters.
There are over a thousand more US troops in Syria than previously thought, a US general disclosed at a press conference on Thursday.
December 21th, 2024 - Article by Raw Egg Nationalist
US Troop Numbers in Syria Actually 2x Higher than Previously ReportedThere are 2,000 US troops in Syria at present, not 900
Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters that the Pentagon recently had to double its estimate of troop numbers in the war-torn country, after telling the public there were less than a thousand personnel there.
As President Bashar al-Assad flees Syria, neocons and Zionists celebrate throughout the world, while those who will truly suffer—the people of Syria—will be left to clean up the mess of American and Israeli ambitions.
December 20th, 2024 - Article by John Kennedy - Mises Institute
Without Assad, Syria Will Fall ApartWhen analyzing Assad, people must ask themselves the common question for which economists are known: compared to what? Let’s not forget how Iraq looked after Saddam Hussein was toppled in 2003.
Despite the accusations against Bashar al-Assad, those who have replaced him are much worse—the Hay’at Tahir al Sham. Formed in 2011, the CSIS claims this group is an al-Qaeda affiliate of Jabhat al-Nusra. In 2018, the State Department designated it as a foreign terrorist organization that retains a “Salafi-jihadist” ideology, meaning they intend to wage war on modernity, which they claim has twisted the minds of Muslims.
On December 8, 2024, the 24-year reign of Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad came to an end after a rebel coalition of Al-Qaeda offshoots, Turkish proxies, and other Islamist militants overwhelmed the capital of Damascus. In effect, a Sunni Islamist saturnalia brought an end to the Middle East’s last secular Arab government. [ READ MORE ]
December 18th, 2024 - Article by José Niño - Mises Institute
The Slow Motion Death
of SyriaWith the US dealing with a wide array of domestic problems, ranging from mass inflation to a ballooning national debt, the last thing it should entertain is getting involved in another Middle Eastern geopolitical scuffle.
Meet the Man they have been
trying to erase from history.He is the man who single-handedly SAVED AMERICA from the first 'Corporate-Fascist Coup' and takeover of the United States of America that was referred to as 'The Business Plot of 1933', even though he is not celebrated and neither what he had accomplished is taught the history
books and lessons of our schools.Now, Ask Yourself... WHY?
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