This is the only way we can
We Must ALL LIVE on this same Planet
Together, so therefore, we must All Strive
to Promote Peace and Understanding
wherever possible between Nations,
Peoples, Cultures and Religions.
We must choose NEGOTIATIONS
and Trade over Warfare anywhere
there is conflict and suffering
in Our Own Home World.
'de-fang' the perpetual
Globalist Corporate
Criminal Cartel
'War Machine'!
The Fake Alien Invasion - Don't Believe or Fall for it!
It is Simply a Global PsyOP to Bring About an AI Fascist Globalist Takeover!
Jay Dyer joins Maria Zeee to dissect the drone warfare operation sweeping the U.S., explaining the alien/UFO agenda and how this may be used to further the NWO in future.
'Dark Journalist' joins Alex Jones and Lays Out BEYOND Critical Information to break down how the current drone craze could serve more
nefarious Deep State objectives.
“Dark Journalist” Daniel Liszt joins The Alex Jones Show to discuss how the ongoing UFO / drone craze may be used as a false flag that would require the US government to activate COG contingencies that could keep the current government in power.
Learn what's really behind the drone swarm sightings across the country!
Jay Dyer lays out what’s really behind the drone swarm sightings across the country and how the government plans to use them to invoke new crisis powers.
AI is not the savior of humanity, but given its current logarithmic rate of development, it could very well end up being humanity's destruction.
Mike Adams joins Alex Jones to discuss the existential dangers of AI and how the logarithmic trajectory of its development will put it on track to being capable of wiping out billions of people within the next 5 years unless major reforms and guardrails are put on the industry.
The potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence have long been codified into our popular culture, well before the technology became a reality. Usually these fictional accounts portray AI as a murderous entity that comes to the “logical conclusion” that human beings are a parasitic species that needs to be eradicated. Keep in mind that most of these stories are written by progressives out of Hollywood and are mostly a reflection of their own philosophies.
December 6th, 2024 - Article by Brandon Smith -
Three Horrifying Consequences Of AI That You Might Not Have Thought AboutThe disturbing consequence of AI today is that it could very well captivate society with the idea of Prometheus’ flame, with all human endeavors abandoned for the sake of a robotic god with “ultimate knowledge” that doesn’t exist.
If we are not careful, I could see all of civilization whither in the near future over the delusional hopes of AI.
Donald Trump has indicated his desire to make the US the world’s foremost player in AI, while acknowledging the difficulties the technology could bring.
December 16th, 2024 - Article by Raw Egg Nationalist
Autonomous AI May Have To Be “Unplugged” Before It’s Too Late,
Says Ex-Google CEO“We’re soon going to be able to have computers running on their own, deciding what they want to do,” said Schmidt, a long-time prophet of the dangers of AI, during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday
AI could very soon pose an existential threat to mankind and might have to be “unplugged” for good, according to former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.
UFO expert and whistleblower Dr. Steven Greer accurately explained how the federal government planned to launch Project Blue Beam, an operation to fool the public into believing an alien invasion was underway to consolidate power and curtail civil liberties.
Dr. Steven Greer the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and founder
of the UFO Disclosure Project, says the globalists
are planning to stage a massive alien invasion.
Dr. Steven Greer of the Sirius Disclosure Project joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how to fight against full disclosure of extraterrestrial operations being used to manipulate the public with fear.
Dr. Greer takes the viewer back through modern history, starting in the 1920's showing/proving with evidence about Aliens and UFO's... the cover ups from top government entities, and has almost reached the point of no return.
This documentary is Dr. Steven Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies:
1) We do not know what these UAPs / UFOs are. WE DO.
2) Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO.
3) The UFOs are a threat. THEY ARE NOT.
Dr. Steven Greer - See More of his Work [ More Dr. Steven Greer Videos ]
[ Dr. Steven Greer - Sirius Disclosure ]
[ Dr. Steven Greer New Series on Gaia ]
Clif High joins Harrison Smith on The American Journal to cut through the woo and discuss contact with otherworldly beings and the implications it will have for all sentient life on Earth.
Clif High is a researcher known for developing a technique called predictive linguistics, which involves analyzing internet data to predict future events.
As technology pushes mankind into the future, many wonder the origins of this innovative knowledge.
This documentary uncovers the unholy alliance between Nazi Germany and some of the biggest corporations in the US — companies which were indispensable for Hitler to wage war. Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer; James D Mooney, the General Motors manager; and Tom Watson, the IBM boss were all awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle — the Nazi's highest distinction for foreigners for their services to the Third Reich.In the statistics of the Reich they were referred to as enemy companies with American shareholders. In the war there were 553 of them, including such well-known names as Coca-Cola, Kodak and American Express; yet very few of them were enemies — some had close contacts to the Nazis. In the case of four large American companies and their German subsidiaries, Hitler was even able to regard the bosses as friends. Without them he would not have been able to wage war. They saw him as the man who would soon be in control of Europe.
At this time, in 1937 and 1938, Hitler's armaments industry was running at full speed. The German subsidiaries of these American companies — Opel, the Ford Werke AG and Dehomag — had willingly allowed themselves to be integrated into the “Führer's” war preparations. Without the trucks and track-laying vehicles produced by Opel and Ford, Hitler would never have been able to occupy Czechoslovakia or invade Poland and France.
Opel was also involved in the production of Ju-88, Hitler's most important bomber. Standard Oil of New Jersey supplied crude oil, special motor oil for tanks and lead additives for aircraft fuel right up to the first years of the war. The Hollerith machines of IBM, predecessor of present-day computers, were to help Hitler organise war and destruction.
The film concentrates on the companies which were indispensable for Hitler to wage war. The documentary is supported by new archive material, as well as interviews with contemporary witnesses and experts.
Meet the Man they have been
trying to erase from history.He is the man who single-handedly SAVED AMERICA from the first 'Corporate-Fascist Coup' and takeover of the United States of America that was referred to as 'The Business Plot of 1933', even though he is not celebrated and neither what he had accomplished is taught the history
books and lessons of our schools.Now, Ask Yourself... WHY?
Operation Paperclip was the codename under which the US intelligence and military services extricated scientists from Germany, during and after the final stages of World War II. The project was originally called Operation Overcast, and is sometimes also known as Project Paperclip.Of particular interest were scientists specialising in aerodynamics and rocketry (such as those involved in the V-1 and V-2 projects), chemical weapons, chemical reaction technology and medicine. These scientists and their families were secretly brought to the United States, without State Department review and approval; their service for Hitler's Third Reich, NSDAP and SS memberships as well as the classification of many as war criminals or security threats also disqualified them from officially obtaining visas. An aim of the operation was capturing equipment before the Soviets came in. The US Army destroyed some of the German equipment to prevent it from being captured by the advancing Soviet Army.
The majority of the scientists, numbering almost 500, were deployed at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, Fort Bliss, Texas and Huntsville, Alabama to work on guided missile and ballistic missile technology. This in turn led to the foundation of NASA and the US ICBM program.
Much of the information surrounding Operation Paperclip is still classified.
Six months after Allied Forces liberated German concentration camps, a military tribunal formed at Nuremberg to prosecute Nazi war criminals. Some of the most dangerous were brought to justice - but not all.Documented Conspiracy reveals how over 4,000 former Nazis went to work for the U.S. government, without the public's knowledge, to help fight the Soviet Union. Reinhard Gehlen, an intelligence officer for Hitler's General Staff, was tapped to head the U.S. intelligence program in West Germany to spy on the Russians. At the same time, former Nazi scientists and engineers were welcomed onto American soil. But the extent of these operations is only now becoming clear: In 1998, a law was passed mandating declassification of documents concerning recruitment of former Nazis. CIA AND THE NAZIS examines these files to see how far the U.S. went in recruiting its former enemy to fight its new one.
The truth is, thousands of former Nazis, some of whom committed atrocities, went to work for the United States government without the public's knowledge. During the war, their crimes ranged from overseeing slave labor camps to sending orphans to their deaths. After the war, they were on the US payroll either as scientists in America or as intelligence agents in Europe.
What do Hitler, the Nazi Regime, the Royal Family, the Italian Mafia, former US President John F. Kennedy, and the unforgettable events of 9/11 have in common? A shadow Government consisting of the world’s wealthiest ruling class harlots and hideous men.This documentary travels back in time to the days of Adolf Hitler, explores the indirect link to the Nazi Regime and Kennedy’s assassination, to the modern day terrorist events of 9/11. We learn how a shadow Government pushed to instigate wars that would fill the pockets of the world’s elitist 1%. A time when Hitler was merely a puppet used to carry out the dirty deeds of some of the world’s dirtiest men. Uncovered is the way the entire world was fooled into thinking that the allies won the war against the Nazis, when really the Illuminati, the 1%, were the ones who really won because they were playing both sides of the war.
But, what does the Mafia have to do with JFK? Well, in this film it’s revealed that good ole’ JFK was trying to get the USA out of the dirty hands of the Mafia – who at the time were basically running the CIA, FBI, and other agencies behind the scenes. Like something from a work of fiction, an elaborate plot to assassinate the President, planned by high ranking members of the FBI, CIA, Chief of Staff, Mafia, and of course the wealthiest Dallas oilmen, is revealed, with footage and eye witness reports.
We learn the true story of Lee Harvey Oswald and how he was framed as the “fall man” in the Kennedy assassination, and the eventual suspicious murders of the entire dream team of professional killers responsible for the President’s death, including Oswald’s death. Names like J. Edgar Hoover, George H. Bush, Sam Giancana, and The Skull & Bones Society are merely the tip of the iceberg in characters responsible for the Kennedy assassination.
Eventually, the documentary fast forwards to a time not so long ago: September 11th, 2001. Uncovered is the United State’s bloody history in waging false flag operations to maintain a state of war – after all, we learn that war is a lucrative business. This gripping film reveals the scary truth that the motives and players involved in 9/11 are no different from those of past historical events like the ‘Bay of Pigs’ and the ‘Vietnam Invasion.’
If you can stomach the cold, hard truth behind the bloody connections of Auschwitz, the Italian mob, JFK and 9/11, then this documentary, JFK to 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick, is just the film for you. Hold on, you’re in for a long, blood-curdling ride!
( NOT 'Progressive', and Certainly NOT 'Liberal'! ):
Marxism, Socialism, Imperialism, Communism & Fascism ('Commu-Fascism') Are All Basically the Same - They are All Just Variations of 'TOTALITARIANISM'.
Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian WWII survivor of the Nazis, gives her account of Hitlers takeover of Austria. The similarities to today's left and their progressive (Fascist) agenda, are staggering!One of the first things that Hitler and the Nazis did after they had assumed power in Germany was to outlaw private ownership and confiscated all firearms from citizens. The Communists do the same.
She speaks of how the Nazi world of her childhood is being re-created here in America. Her advice to U.S. citizens is to Keep your guns and buy more guns (and don't forget the ammunition).
A Presentation of Statistics, Charts,
and Common-Sense Realities...
... and now, you can decide! ...
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